Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels. OVERVIEW: 'About six hundred years ago, disbelief became so rampant that the Dreaming withdrew from the mortal world. Gateways linking the two worlds closed, stranding the Fae still present on Earth, alone with the disbelief that always threatened to destroy them. The glorious Sidhe, the nobles and rulers, surged to the last remaining gateways and fled to Arcadia, usually leaving the loyal retainers who had served them for so long to fend for themselves.
'Those Fae left behind adopted the Changeling Way. They took on mortal hosts, sharing the bodies with mortal souls. Commoner changeling took noble titles and cared for the abandoned freeholds, striving to maintain a touch of the Dreaming in the real world.
'Changelings are the forgotten children of Arcadia, the homeland of the Fae, deep in the Dreaming, the place where all true inspiration comes from. The Fae cannot withstand the ravages of disbelief, mundanity, Banality; these are the antithesises of all they are. So they must adopt human bodies and masquerade as mortals in the mundane world. The immortal Fae soul enters the mortal body at birth, joining the mortal soul to create a single personality, emerging in its full glory later in life. Upon death, the Fae soul finds a new vessel, a new child. This is the Changeling Way; it's what the Fae must do to survive in a world with no time for fairy tales.'
(quotes from The Fae Cafe)
Duke: Sean "Onyx Flame" Brennan Overview of Fae Society:
"What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out." -- Bertrand Russel RESTRICTIONS:
Allowed Kiths ST Restricted Kiths (Seelie & Unseelie): May-may-gwya-shi (Rock Fishers), Rock Giants, Nanehi, Yunwi Amai'yine'hi (Water People), Yunwi Tsundsi (Little People), Canotili (Tree Dwellers), Tunghat (Green Dwarves, Owners), Kachinas, Suremsw (Yaqui Little People), Water Babies, Numuzo'ho (Crushers of People), Pu'Gwis, Inuas (Spirit Helpers) ST Restricted Merits / Flaws: Fairy eternity, Title above 4, Chimera 4 or above, True Faith
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -- Jules de Gaultier
MAKING A C:tD CHARACTER: The following is merely a "cheat sheet" or guide. You are highly encouraged to at least buy or get access to the core book (WW7000). Using the Template that you can download HERE: 1. Name: Put the name of your character 2. Player Name: Put your name (and preferably also your email address). 3. Chronicle: Put "Washington, DC By Night" or just "DC By Night" or "11th Hour" 4. Court: Seelie or Unseelie.
5. Legacies: Every changeling has a Seelie and an Unseelie legacy. They describe the two fundamental facets of personality. One is dominant, however; with the other lying dormant or just beneath the surface. Which one is usually predominant determines Court affiliation.
6. House: Dougal, Eiluned, Fiona, Gwydion, Liam, Ailil, Balor, Leanhaun, or Scathatch. Houses are more of a Sidhe thing.
7. Seeming: Childing, Wilder or Grump.
8. Kith: Changeling Kiths -- Boggans -Busy-Bodies, Eshu -Wandering Storytellers, Pooka -Animal Tricksters, Nockers -Flawed Crafters, Redcaps -Hungry Nightmares, Satyrs -Passionate Philosophers, Sidhe -Beautiful Nobility, Sluagh -Silent Informants, Trolls -Honorable Warriors
9. Motley: The Fae Template we have does not use Character Concepts/Archetypes, or Nature/Demeanor, these things being more or less covered in Legacy and so forth. But this information below is included for consistency in interpreting your Fae character in a crossover chronicle like ours where other PC's do use these stats.
10. Attributes (Physical/Social/Mental): You will have 7/5/3 starting dots. Give thought to spending them according to the kind of person your character is, not what looks neat or what you think you have to have to keep from being killed. 11. Abilities (Talents/Skills/Knowledges): You will have 13/9/5 starting dots. You may not have anything above 3 dots in Initial Stage here. Please do not "Min-Max" either (where you have all your dots in just a couple areas, and nothing anywhere else). Also remember new characters grew up in the modern world. That means it is unlikely you don't know at least a LITTLE Computers and how to Drive. Some may not but you should be able to justify this in the background. Note the following differences in a Fae CS from other CS's:
NB: Specializations (Attributes and/or Abilities) -- If you have a 4 or higher, you may take a specialization in something, but the bonus rerolling ONLY is done when you are using that specific specialization. Example, if you have an Appearance of 4 and your specialization is "Sexy", you only get the bonus when you are trying to deliberately be "sexy" in your RP. 12. Advantages (Backgrounds/Arts/Realms): You have 5 starting dots for Backgrounds (we highly recommend at least Resources 2 in order to be able to afford to live in DC at all, but you can also buy this up with Freebies.) Backgrounds: WW7300 Changeling (main book), pg. 153-169 You have 3 starting dots for Arts. You have 5 starting dots for Realms.
Fae do not have a Humanity stat. For purposes of crossover powers that require one to determine the dice roll, ask the Fae ST for help. Also conversely, ask about rating other supernaturals for Glamour and Banality. 13. Merits & Flaws: WW7100 Changeling Players Guide, pg. 17-34
CHANGELING SPECIFIC MERITS & FLAWS: These are divided up by Kith, so that you can choose in keeping with the character concept:
14. Willpower 15. Glamour & Banality:
16. Secondary Abilities: Fae are entitled to these, however the current template we have doesn't have a slot for them yet. There are extra slots in the Primary Abilities Section, so for now you can probably use those.
There is a list of currently approved Secondary Abilities HERE (link under construction).
You may then switch the template to FREEBIES stage and you have 15 freebies to spend.
-- Willy Wonka, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
[BACK TO THE TOP] "Our revels now are ended: these our actors As I foretold you, were all spirits, and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yes, and all which it inherit, shall dissolve, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a wrack behind: We are such stuff As dreams are made of, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep." - Shakespeare's "The Tempest," Act IV
NOTE: A PC may not assume to know the "aura" or reading of a Changeling until they have earned this knowledge IC, via RP, buying Fae Lore, or info from an approved background. Otherwise, they may see the reading as stated, but it has no meaning to them. [BACK TO THE TOP]
Numerous Traditional Children's
"Books of
Faerie" by Neil Gaiman, "Wizard
of Oz" by L. Frank Baum, "Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland" & "Through
the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There" by Lewis Carroll,
Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis, "Elfquest"
by Wendy & Richard Pini, "Neverwhere"
by Neil Gaiman
MOVIES: Willow, Labyrinth
('86), Gremlins [Unseelie],
Neverending Story (Die Unendliche Geschichte), Monkey Bones, Something
Wicked This Way Comes, The
Nightmare Before Christmas, "The
Thief of Always" by Clive Barker
Fairy King" by Queen POETRY: "The Erl-King (Erlkönig)" by Johann Wolfgang van Goethe, "The Fairies" by William Allingham, "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" by John Keats, "The Stolen Child" by William Butler Yeats
"A Midsummer Night's
Dream" by William Shakespeare VIDEO GAMES: [BACK TO THE TOP]
Quintessential Fae Archetypes in Media & Myth: [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
11thHourFae A Lexicon of Common Changeling Terms: http://members.tripod.com/~Val_Grey/Lexicon.htm C:tD Help Page: http://ravendarkfellow.tripod.com/CTDhelp.html Changeling: the Dreaming: http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/eternal_night/ChangelingTheDreaming.html Changeling NPCs Index: http://www.pen-paper.net/wod.php?op=npc&npctypeid=5 Dark Green - Some Disturbing Thoughts about Faeries: http://www.whitedragon.org.uk/articles/darkgreen.htm Dauntain NPCs Index: http://www.pen-paper.net/wod.php?op=npc&npctypeid=10 The Fae Cafe - Epiphany: http://www.onr.com/user/samwise/fae/r_glamour.html The Faerie Ring (C:tD WebRing): http://a.webring.com/hub?sid=&ring=kithain&id=&hub Hsien Character sheet PDF: http://www.doleos.demon.co.uk/roleplay/Hsien.pdf Hsien NPCs Index: http://www.pen-paper.net/wod.php?op=npc&npctypeid=24 Inanime NPCs Index: http://www.pen-paper.net/wod.php?op=npc&npctypeid=13 Kinian (Fae Kinfolk) NPC's Index: http://www.pen-paper.net/wod.php?op=npc&npctypeid=7 Kinian Character Creation Process: http://www.deadlygames.org/faq/kinain.htm Menehune NPC's Index: http://www.pen-paper.net/wod.php?op=npc&npctypeid=11 Nunnehi NPCs Index: http://www.pen-paper.net/wod.php?op=npc&npctypeid=32 Nunnehi Overview: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Portal/8632/nunnehi.html SPRAL presents Changeling: The Dreaming: http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~spral/changeling.html Timeline for Changeling: the Dreaming: http://www.gehenna.org.uk/~dirk/timeline/fairtime.htm Unseelie: http://www.worldzone.net/recreation/jfreeman/fae/unseelie.htm Web of Dreams: http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/daggerfall/191/ww/ctd/main.html Welcome to the Endless Dreaming: http://www.geocities.com/enderilyich/ White Wolf Changeling Excerpt: http://www.white-wolf.com/Changeling%20Web%20Week/Changeling66.html (If any of these links die, if you spot errors, have something to add to this page, or any other problems or questions about a Changeling PC, please let us know at: FAE@DIGITALGOTHIC.NET ) ![]() [BACK TO THE TOP]
All Gaming Sourcebooks & Materials for this campaign are © 1990-2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.