News - Earlier this week, DC Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey announced
that he would be appointing a special Task Force of officers to
cooperate with Federal Agents in investigating the disturbingly high
number of murders and other violent crime in the past year involving
active and retired politicians. Sources say that police have been
stumped by over a half dozen cases of such attacks in recent months
and feel that a cooperative effort is their only hope of resolving
these cases.
to the Republican National Committee, due to the fact that
the majority of politicians involved were Republicans, went
unanswered. New
Jersey State Police have been invited to seat 3 officers on the Task
Force, due to the fact that the crimes have involved an unusual number
of New Jersians as well.
Relations Spokespersons for the Department would not comment to
complaints and allegations that the DCPD would not bother to put forth
such a concerted effort for the murder of ordinary citizens,
conspiracy or not.
cases involved retired Senator Thomas Billingsley of Maryland; Senator Reginald Haige
[R-NJ], murdered this Spring in Montgomery
County; his former rival, New Jersey Senator Roberto Testeblance, who has had no
luck finding the person impersonating his dead pre-teen son; and
Senatorial Candidate Randolf Cardan [D-NJ], who died in a mysterious
car crash near Cabin John, Maryland last Spring, reminiscent of
continue to maintain an anonymous tipsters phone line for leads on any
of the above unsolved cases. (202) 555-DCPD. All informants'
identities will be protected.
- WEB OF NIGHT - PETTY THEFT: A young man in his twenties with scruffy
dark blonde hair, and a young woman, slightly older, with long dark
hair, were reported to have stolen the pocketbook from a female patron
at Web of Night last week. The young man punched the owner of the purse
in her face. She could not ID either party. Charges were not presses,
and no further information is available at this time.
- WATERFRONT - STOLEN CAR ID'd: DCPD has identified the stolen teal
Chevy Impala used in numerous crimes by the notorious "Villynz"
crew in Southeast. The actual registered owner of most of the vehicle is
a Mr. Conrad Banniker of Ingraham Street Northeast, who reported the car
stolen several months ago. The engine and VIN numbers, however,
longer match, as the car has been heavily modified since it was taken.
Mr. Banniker has no known connect to the street gang and is not a
suspect in any events tied to the use of the vehicle, which DCPD finally
released into his custody after all available evidence was collected
from the car. A fund set aside by the proceeds of liquidating
stolen and unreturnable assets from DC crimes, in part paid for
restoration of the car.
are still searching for the driver, Mr. Darnell Stewart of no fixed
address, known to be in Southeast DC and said to be the leader of the
gang. Anyone with information on his whereabouts should call the Tipster
- DISTURBANCE: DCPD reported that they were called to respond to another
outbreak of fighting between patrons of the Dance Club "The
Phantasm", a few days ago. Upon arrival however, the club was in
chaos but no one could clearly identify the perpetrator of the
disturbance. No arrests were made; however, due to pressure from
neighboring businesses and DCPD, the Phantasm closed down for a week,
losing several thousand dollars in business and postponing shows by such
local acts as singer Louis Delacourt, dancer/singer Aki Oshii and
magician Professor Aephestus.
- BREAK IN AT LOCAL MORGUE: Officers responded to a notice of a break-in
at the Precinct 6 Morgue in DC last week. A late night watchman
discovered a gaping hole busted through the divider wall inside the
complex while making his rounds. Whoever had done it had long since
left. The cameras in that area of the building had been disabled by some
kind of electronic surge or shorting. Other than the huge hole taken out
of an area of wall near one of the cameras, the only other disturbance
of note is that the body of the John Doe (purported to be one Tristan
Starless by witness Caeli Kane, now in police custody for questioning)
was disturbed, but did not seem to have been altered or molested in any
way other than having been removed from the corpse storage area.
Coroner's Assistant Forrester confirmed the condition of the body later
that evening. Police have no suspects at this time and no motive, though
certainly details of this case have been unusual since it came to light
a couple weeks ago. The case remains open at this time.
blaze of a meeting hall of the American Legion off New York Avenue in
Southeast. The small one story building, formerly a small business, was
found locked and chained from the inside. The fire killed all 12 known
occupants of the meeting hall, who had gathered for a monthly game of
Bingo. Arson squad teams state that the fire is notable in that it
contains the same suspicious chemical composition, or lack therein, of
three previous fires in the Southeast area. Fire crews are baffled
trying to explain the origin of these strange fires, all three prior
also occurring in the SE corridor. There were no witnesses left alive to
give crews any further information.