AUGUST - A jogger passing by a small, neglected wooded lot near Cardoza earlier this week led police to their discovery of an abandoned vehicle lodged deeply into the woods, amidst a pile of illegally dumped trash that typically accumulates in unmonitored abandoned lots in the city.
Wedged between a sofa, a mattress, and a decommissioned dumpster, was a still-functioning, light teal mid-60's Chevy Impala, modified in a "gangsta" style. The car is being examined by Forensics investigators, as it bears a resemblance to a vehicle thought to have been sighted near the strange fire on the Waterfront back in July, as well as in the vicinity during the fire at Charlie's bar in Northwest and the Jason Turnbull shooting a few months ago. The jogger's identity is being withheld for safety reasons, as is the name of the owner of the recovered vehicle, pending further investigation.