1. Game Manners
2. General IRC Manners
3. Pointless Lurking
4. Using Notify / Channel As Social Hall
5. AFK In Channel
This page is
about our OOC/IRL expectations of player behavior in this game. This covers topics like Age Limits, Meta-gaming, Spamming,
Stalking, IRC Abuses, Etiquette, Arguing, and
related items.
OOC Players
Code of Conduct
All players must be Adults, Ages 18+ Only. Some role-play we may create can potentially involve
murder, rape, torture, grisly deaths, child abuse, male pattern
baldness, the use of caffeine
in beverages, and other rough topics not for minors.
Players are discouraged from
revealing any OOC information about a new character to other
players, whether in public or private. This should be discovered
through RP. Players are also discouraged from asking someone
information about a new character that you haven't earned IC.
Even excellent
role-players will unconsciously treat a character differently if they do not know what it is OOC, or if they
think they
know what it is before they've earned it IC. You will not be kicked out for this;
it is just frowned on, not to
mention hands other players advantages over you.
your ability to have other player's contact information for game
purposes, and using it to invite yourself without permission to spam
other players, flood them with passarounds or any other kind of
unwanted email contact, is grounds to be banned. We value the safety
of player privacy.
GROUPLY: Anyone who
exposes our Yahoo Groups to the program GROUPLY will be immediately
and permanently banned. This program is insidious and specializes
into tricking you to give out your Yahoo ID and password, then spams
EVERYONE on every Yahoo Group you are on. Don't even think about
opening that door. If anyone in our game gets an invite from you,
you will be banned without a second chance. Anyone using GROUPLY
email accounts to join our Yahoo Groups will be denied, and since
group membership is mandatory in this game, failure to change it to
a real address will end up getting you kicked out.
We will kick/ban people for
inappropriate IRC behavior that may not have occurred in our game, but
still violates IRC policy or U.S. Customs Law.
In specific, if we catch you doing any of the
following anywhere, even in other channels,:
Advertising (without Ops permission) for other channels, web
sites, etc.
people (Denial of Service attacks, etc.)
Residing in illegal* channels (Incest, Kiddie/Teen Porn, Hate Crime (Nazis, Gay Bashing, etc.))
Deliberately sending Viruses or Trojans to
Stalking other users
...not only will you be banned, but we will log proof
of your actions and email it to your ISP's Abuse Department and US Customs/Law Enforcement
[if applicable] for follow-up.
* - Illegal channels are those as defined by current
prevailing US Customs Law (see
for guidelines).
We do NOT kick Adults for being in channels
about legal topics between themselves and other Adults, whether we
individually approve of the subject matter or not (like certain Sexual,
Religious or Political channels).
Certain volatile topics
may come up during RP (racism, misogyny, rape, child abuse, etc.),
but this is not permission to force others to discuss them OOC. If you wish to engage in
OOC debates, do it in private message. We don't want arguments
cluttering up the OOC channel while others are trying to roll dice or create RP.
If another
player is offended and doesn’t want to continue the discussion, leave them alone. We are here to play, not to force our
personal opinions on others, and we do not want players to monopolize
everyone's time using the channel as their personal soap box,
confessional or social torture chamber.
[E] Channel Etiquette:
You can be kicked out for OOC reasons, even if your
role-playing skills are impeccable.
[1] Banned OOC game-related behaviors:
Rules Lawyering (as in, after
you are told to drop it)
Metagaming - using IC or OOC
info where it does not belong.
Back-talking, insulting, or
arguing with an Op; accusing an
Op of cheating or playing favorites, or refusing to obey direct
orders from an Op.
Excessive/Prolonged Arguing.
(Disagreeing is fine. Being nasty when doing so or not letting
it go, is not.)
[2] Banned bad "Netiquette":
Doing "Drivebys"/Revolving Door (popping in
& out of channel a lot)
A/S/L's, demanding IRL names, ages or pictures,
or other invasions of player private information
OOC unwelcome "Hot Chat" (Cybersex) or sexual harassment of
other players
Excessive displays of sexual, toilet, or body
humor (Ops decide what is excessive)
Deliberately flooding the channel or flooding someone in
"Trolling" / flame wars /
chronic insulting. This includes inciting discussions on religion,
politics, lifestyle choices, or any other topics that
tend to encourage arguments in the channel that have nothing to do
with the game.
Not respecting other players'
boundaries when they say to leave them alone.
Using the Yahoo Groups or
knowledge of players' contact info for spam or passarounds without
their consent.
[3] Excessive Lurking:
Prospective players are welcome
to sit in channel if they are checking us out for future RP. We just don't like people who
don't appear to be planning on playing, treating the channel like
their personal social hall. If you are not intending to role-play, learn to
role-play, observe our role-play, or
discuss with an ST about your potential role-play, you have no business
in this channel. This is not a place to just hang out when you are
As stated on the
Guidelines page, if you don’t at least have a first draft of a
character in to the ST’s within a week from your first day in the
channel, or a final draft within a month, either you're not here to play
at all, you’re not serious about
playing, or else you just don't move fast enough to be able to keep up. Either way, things would not work out with you playing here, if that is
the best you can do.
[4] Chat & Notify:
Our channel is not
your personal social hall.
Do not come into the channel, if you are
only here
because you can’t locate another user. If you must, only come to
locate their contact info and then please leave the game in peace.
We understand some of you have
friends who play here, but when we are in here, this is game time.
It is not social hour time. Put your friends on NOTIFY and
message them privately.
To Players: If your
friends do drive-bys in the channel looking for you, they will be
banned, and you will be held responsible for making sure they stop.
To Channel "Guests" /
Visitors: If you don't plan to ever play here and aren’t even
considering it, don't be here. Our OOC channel is for the
use of players and
prospective players only.
To Former Players
Visiting: Gaming is like theater rehearsal or football practice. It's a
group meeting for an activity together. that you are not part of now. And honestly, if you played here
previously and now you're not, it's probably because you did something
before that wasn't
how friends should behave. We wish you well, but it could just be
awkward for everyone if you hung out.
[5] Being AFK Without Notice:
Please show consideration to fellow
players and mark yourself AFK either by script or by Nick. This goes for Ops and Players alike.
It is discouraging to players, STs and guests alike to see a
seemingly full channel but nobody will interact with them.
NOTE: We do realize sometimes
things happen; IRL emergencies, Nickserv vanishes, you get knocked off
line while AFK and a script relogs you on with an Un-AFK nick, etc. We
know the difference between that and the habitual offenders.
& SERVICES BOTS (NICKSERV): You may notice when you come into
#11thHourOOC, some players are voiced (mode +v). Voiced players are
those who either have been approved for play or have committed to joining the game.
Potential players will not be voiced until they have an approved character.
Please do not beg for +v voice if you don't play
here (you won't get it), nor if
you have voice and are just too lazy to ID to Nickserv. (Begging for
Ops will get you banned.)
Once you have been approved
and your username of choice put in Nickserv, you can voice yourself
You must ID to the nick on
before you enter the channel.
You also can ID to that nick
even if your current nick is something else.
"/msg nickserv id nick password" (where obviously the nick
is your nick for voicing, and your password is just that.) When you
come in, you get voiced. When Nickserv is down, the Ops will try to voice
who they can, unless they are AFK, in which case, there's nothing we can
do, sorry.
There are some players that are simply
not socially functional. We feel no obligation to coddle or tolerate
anyone who falls into this category. This does not mean players cannot
disagree or question anything. This refers to people who cannot even look
at the same situation as the rest of us and grasp basic reality. These
are people in denial, who clearly live on another planet from
everyone else. This bears mention because
players like this can drag a game down.
may be better explained by examples:
[a] What President Clinton said about
not having sex with Monica Lewinsky. He was splitting hairs to avoid
admitting what we all knew what the truth, definitely in spirit and
mostly in actions.
[b] Preacher Fred Phelps,
who runs the hate web site
is the best example of someone who is firmly rooted in their own
reality while still living in ours.
We mean people that see things in some
twisted reality that the rest of us are not part of, and not in a cute
imaginative RP way, either. If you find that frequently the rest of the
ST team constantly tells you that you are being unrealistic, chances are
the problem is
you, not us. And if it doesn't end, you might just be removed.
If the following sounds like something you
would say to the ST after having your ridiculously unrealistic PC
rejected, then this means you in this section (the below was an actual real
response to an ST here):
Applicant: Thanks but
that's my story and I don't intend to change it. If it is not
accepted then maybe you should open you're mind further. Role-play is
meant to be a creative release as well as an outlet and the fact
that you frown upon mine is dis-heartening. Perhaps you should make
less rules and format and concentrate more on the art of play.
Rather than worrying about an "out of place" character as you call
it why not embrace the new ideas it could bring. Anyway, I just had
deju with this whole thing and it's okay. I'll go to a place where I
am more welcomed for my imaginative flow. Good day to you and have
fun with you're guild.
Other typical example comments from people
with this problem:
"You have a God complex, because you
dared to enforce a channel rule on me."
"I'm special and shouldn't be held to
that standard."
"I won't change my character for anybody
so if you can't accept them exactly as I wrote them, you are stupid and
I am leaving."
"Your rules are dumb/too strict."
(If we
thought so, obviously we wouldn't have them!)
"I don't have time to keep you updated
when I can play,
because I have a life outside the game, you know." (Like we don't?
And guess what, it doesn't involve tracking you down!)
"Well, other channels don't do (X)."
(Fine. Go there instead and knock yourself out!)
Speaking rudely to the STs or players, and then whining you don't get taken seriously or
listened to, or get told to shut up.
Confusing your opinions with facts and
reality, and openly spouting them as facts, often in abrasive ways
that offend others.
A real example of how NOT to speak to the ST (from a Harry Potter
*idiotface* RP WIF
*me* Not right now. I'm tired.
*me* No! Its 3 AM. I'm just on to check out a job application
I sent out a week ago.
*idiotface* So RP while you wait!
*me, getting angry* No. Leave me alone.
*idiotface* You're mean.
*me* I'm not mean. I'm tired. I cant sleep though because my
daughter is having a hard time sleeping.
*idiotface* RP WIFF MEE OR I'LL CRY!!
*me* You know, the only reason I leave my AIM sn up is if
there is trouble on the site and I'm needed. Not to be harassed by
players to RP. If you don't leave me alone, I will delete your
character on the site. I don't give a crap which one you play.
*idiotface* signs off. then signs back on to
deliver the all painful all powerful argument closer "stfu stupid!"
and Trendy Misspelling: Using "huggles" for hugs (also excessively hugging
or snuggling other players who don't know you and are
uncomfortable with the affection),
or "crys" for cries, appies for applications, proggies for
programs; that sort of trash, doesn't belong here. Cutesy slang for game
terms (toons, charries (characters), etc.) is annoying. The use of
is a definite no no.
Underage even if you aren't: If you
frequently say things like "my parents won't let me on the computer
after 10 pm", leave now. If you're not lying about your age and they say
that and you're well over 18, leave now and get psychiatric help. No,
we're not kidding. It makes you sound 11 years old and makes us feel
pedophilic for letting you in here. We expect players to sound, and act,
like grown-ups in here.
Bragging or One-Upsmanship: Players who monopolize the OOC Channel
to spend the majority of their time talking about how wonderful, smart,
important or talented they are, is irritating, not to mention likely
untrue, so there's no reason to subject us to bragging; we won't be
impressed. Also, players who are constantly trying to "one-up"
other people (I am more *blot* than anyone else), especially in terms of
personal crises and drama (dramatic life, medical problems, etc.), gets
tiresome and makes other players not want to be here. If it is truly
that big of a problem, how would you have the energy to RP?

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