1. Length
2. Proofreading
3. IC Dress Codes
4. Designing A Character Description
This page contains information about
using pop-ups, aliases or other text to introduce and describe your character when going
IC in our Chronicle.
Everything on this page applies to all PC's in all Genres, regardless of what
type of
character you are making.
This does not include
specific restrictions for individual genres. Anything specific to only one genre is on the
individual Genres
Rules Page. Be sure to read both this page and that one before submitting a sheet.
paragraph (3-4 lines) is NEVER, EVER necessary!*
entrance description should be ONLY what people see with a quick peripheral
glance at you. Dont put anything that people cannot discern
immediately (such as inactive powers, hidden weapons, who gave you
that ring, your Clan, or what color your underwear is, if the char
even wears any).
Annoying descriptions (too long, excess graphics,
etc) are a KICKABLE OFFENSE because they flood the channel. We can help you edit your descriptions if you
ask us.
If you
simply HAVE to share more details, put some kind of "Message me for
more info" blurb in your description, then send it in private message
to other players who want it.
Another effective way to convey an
extensive description is to create a web page with more information
and post the URL in your description. Do not reveal on that page or in
your popups, things people shouldn't know such as your Character
Please proofread your stuff!
This isn't typed
live, so please edit your misspellings and screw ups. This entrance is
your first impression, how others view your character, and it shows
laziness and disrespect to yourself and to other players who have to
read it, to post a bunch of illegible garbage. The purpose of the
popup is to concisely convey important information about your
character to others, and if they cant read it or understand it, you waste your time
and ours posting it.
Please refer
to the posted web sites that depict the location you are in (usually
in the channel topic, or on the Maps & Tours page) for details on
expected IC behavior and dress. Your character is expected to dress
appropriately to the venue in which they are present at all times, or
else to suffer the consequences IC.
Also note, unless you
have Resources 0 as a BG, you should have more than one change of
clothes. Please RP accordingly.
As stated above, a good description evokes a first impression others get
of your PC when they first encounter it entering an area. Things that
would be obvious quickly would be such things as apparent age, hair
color, eye color, skin color (apparent race), build/weight, height,
clothing, larger accessories, items carried outside the pockets, and
jewelry. Presence is an appropriate stat to include.
not type stupid crap in your descriptions, such as:.
Redheads (massively overdone. A city of "Dawn" clones.
with huge firm tits (overdone, and in the case of the grooming and
health habits of some PC's, damned near impossible without breast
lifting surgery);
and other obvious large weapons in cities; details of tiny pieces of
jewelry we can hardly see from across the room (can you read the
writing on someone's ring at even 7 feet away? I can't);
of something hidden in your pocket (Don't be a retard. It's
clothing in a modern setting (if you didn't buy the Anachronism
like a complete bondage whore for a normal street scene;
common homophones every 6th grader knows (to/too/two,
there/their/they're, hear/here, an/and, your/you're, etc.);
animals or other pets in a modern city setting (I bring my pet owl
into the exclusive nightclub. Uh... no.);
"Doc Martins" (if you don't know why this is stupid crap,
take it out of your description entirely until you learn why.)
If you read the example descriptions below, and you
shake your head and say, "I don't get what's wrong with them," then you
need to ask for ST help in how to write.
also refer to our
RP Workshop #8
on Dictionary/Thesaurus Rape for more examples of what not to do)
Arena Spears:
Arena has ruby red hair and soft brown eyes she looks as though she
is a lost child in some ways.
Celeste duLac: is 55 130 lb. truly however she hunches over
she has dirt red hair which is so dirty you think it is black she
has sad green eyes and is the ugliest thing you could ever imagine
seeming how she is a vampire that is a Nosferatue.
Cercy: Is 60 160 lb. she has flame red hair and China blue
eyes. She has blood red lips naturally and is attracted to anything
that sparkles like a diamond. She is a vampire, which is a Toreador.
Diamond: Is 61 175 Lb. long brown hair and angry green eyes
she is tall and strong she is built to be a fighter and that is what
she does with a passion. Diamond is a werewolf and a Black Fury at
Jessica Tippin: Is 54 115 Ibs. With long blond hair and
brown eyes she has long legs and is very sneaky and suspicious she
is my one and only human and she is a detective at that.
Jina Wang: Is 53 110 Lb. She has long brown hair and brown
eyes she has small breasts. She is my one and only K.O.E and is a
Thrashing Dragon
Krystial is 5 7 tall she has long black hair that goes to
her waist. Her eyes are china blue she wears a black leather mini
dress and her ears are pierced straight up to the top of her ears.
She appears to be in her early 20s. She wears a long leather trench
coat over her dress both are black and she wears black leather high
heal boots that go up to her thighs. When she removes her trench
coat you see the brujah clan symbol tattooed on her right shoulder
blade. If she sticks her tongue out at you, you will notice it is
pierced. On her right wrist is a Native American turquoise charm
bracelet. Around her neck is a matching necklace and on her left
hand ring finger you will find a sterling silver ring with Navajo
writing on it. The words inscribed will read You will always be in
my heart weather I am dead or alive.
Lotus Flower: Her real name is Stephanie Rose she is 56 140
Lb. She has long brown hair and soft seductive brown eyes she has
big pouty lips and eyes that when she bats them will make any man
fall to his knees she is a mage and a Cult of Ecstasy She is 56
with blood red hair and dark brown eyes her lips always appear to be
pouting and her eyes always seem to be looking straight through you
like she can see into your soul.
Myra: is 58 115 Lb. Her hair is so blond that is almost is
white she has soft blue eyes that also are very seductive looking
she has full red lips and long legs and nails she is a mage that is
also a verbena so she tends also to wear as little clothing as
Rhianna: is 61 160 Lb. Jet black hair and green eyes that
if you ever get to look at them right you can tell look like cat
eyes she also have razor sharp nails which you would swear are
claws. She is a vampire and is a gangrel.
Rindsa: is 55 120 Lb. Purplish red hair with brown eyes she
loves to act tough and is always slinking around as quietly as a
mouse. People that think she is up to something are right because
she is a vampire and a Ravnos.
Sapphire Rose has waist length auburn hair and emerald green
eyes. She wears a pair of tight blue jeans and a white crop top that
shoes her belly ring. Sapphire might stick her tongue out at you and
when she does you will notice that is pieced as well. Her ears are
pierced three times and she wears diamonds in all of the holes. Her
shoes are simple a pair of faded out tennis shoes.
Sarah Dubois is 59 she wears a black and gray striped
Armani skirt suit. Her blond hair is pulled up in a French twist
with wisps hanging down making her neck look long and lovely. Her
blue eyes seem to have an evil glow about them. Her pail face is
expressionless and your not quit sure what she is thinking. On her
left shoulder she carries a black leather brief case and on her
right ankle is a gold ankle bracelet. Her ears are pierced once and
in that hole you will see a pair of heart shaped diamond earrings.
Sarah Salivan is 58 with long blond hair that frames her
face. Her sparkling blue eyes seem to electrify you when you stare
into them. She wears a long white gown with a slit up the sides up
to her thighs showing her legs. She wears a pair of white high heals
with this and a silver ankle bracelet. Around her neck she wears a
matching silver necklace with a heart pendent, her ears are pierced
just once and she wears a pair of diamond hearts with ruby drops on
them. In her hair she wears a white Lilly and the smell of lilacs
follows her around.
Selena Kyle: is 56 130 Lb. Shoulder length blond hair with
blue eyes she tends to seem kind of dreamy she is a werewolf and a
stargazer she is also tan you can tell she is Native American.
Any character descriptions that look like the above, will be required to be redone
until they resemble normal English.

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Materials for this campaign are © 2004-2010 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.