
Where is Malkav?
Rumors place the body of Malkav in the Middle East, near (or under)
the city of Petra. However, his mind is claimed to reside in the
Astral Plane, and is believed to be quite active.
The revised Malkavian Clanbook and the Dark Age
Chronicle, Fountains of Bright Crimson, both speak of
Malkav's location.
- From the revised Clanbook:
After escaping the fall of the Second City, Malkav ran into a
bit of bad luck. He was attacked and torn apart. For some
unexplained reason the attackers feared Malkav's blood. Malkav
detected this, and moved his consciousness into his Blood. The
attackers scattered and buried the remaining body parts. (This
may have preserved his flesh from the sun.)
Afterwards, as if summoned, Malkav's childer found his pool of
Blood, and drank of it. The consciousness of Malkav now flows
through them and their descendants.
From "Fountains of Bright Crimson":
During the Crusades, the streets of Jerusalem ran red with
blood, and Malkav was distracted. This distraction allowed a low
generation Malkavian who held a major fragment of Malkav's
consciousness to be diablerized. However, as the diablerists
weren't of malkavian blood, the fragments of Malkav's
consciousness went wild within the new hosts, and had to be
NOTE: A tribe of werewolves is rumored to be guarding
Malkav's sleeping form. Its possible his attackers were werewolves,
and their descendants are guarding the body parts to prevent their
I love little girls they make me feel so good
They don't care if I'm a one way mirror, They're not frightened by
my cold exterior
They don't ask me questions, They don't want to scold me, They don't
look for answers, They just want to hold me
-- "Little Girls" by Oingo Boingo

What exactly is the Malkavian Madness Network?
According to Daniel Greenberg, the original conception for the MMN
was Malkav's consciousness descending into his clan. The clan as a
whole have consumed him, rather than him consuming them. He was
supposed to be the only Antediluvian trying to save his clan.
White-wolf actually used part of this idea. The revised
Malkavian Clanbook speaks of Malkav and the nature of the
MMN. The revised Clanbook is a "must read," as it can explain it so
much better than I.
Malkav moved his mind (consciousness) into his blood, and his
childer consumed this blood to protect Malkav. This did not
diablerize Malkav, instead Malkav survived intact, flowing through
the bodies of his childer. However, even in this state of existence,
Malkav was more than just blood. His mind not only flowed within the
blood of his childer, his mind flowed between his childer.
Creating a web of connections.
This flow of connections is called many things: the Cobweb, the
Malkavian Madness Network, the Weave, the Tapestry, etc. Although it
began as a sharing between the ones who consumed Malkav, it spread
to their childer, linking all Malkavians.
While the nature of the Network is always in question, it does act
as a "shared consciousness." So far, Malkavians have used it to:
- access the memories of other Malkavians, especially within
one's own lineage. In theory, a Malkavian can learn to shift
through these memories, much like a child exploring a cobweb
filled attic, finding information passed down by those who come
before. However, he could also become lost, forgetting which
memories are his, and even believe himself to be one of his own
- abandon the flesh; uploading one's mind into the Network.
Some of these disembodied Malkavians act as Mentors to embodied
Malkavians, while others become nothing more than a series of
accessable memories.
- broadcast messages, impulses, visions, as well as
where-and-when a gathering will take place. However, each
Malkavian has to filter out this information on their own (or
rely on another Malk). Some fail, unable to hear even the
loudest, clearest messages. Others will travel half-way across
the world on an impulse, unaware they have hear someone's Call.
Little Girls, Little
Girls, ev'rywhere I turn I can see them.
Little Girls, Little Girls, night and day I eat, sleep and breathe 'em.
"Little Girls" from the musical "Annie"
-- Music by Charles Strouse,
Lyrics by Martin Charnin

Thank you to this site for some of the data here: