News In Media, by Kitty Whittier
that time again, chers, for the fur to fly, the laundry to be hung out
to dry, and all good kitties to stand back and watch the show.
BE NOT PROUD... Especially after you've seen yourself in this new video by
shock rocker Marx Ingels, bass player for Arcane Knights gone solo act.
While certainly I can be as objective about art as the next critic, this
new homage is a breed apart, though what breed I am not sure, and I think
it needs rabies shots.
Angel was on
Fox News last week, discussing the controversy already surrounding his
video, entitled "Exquisite Corpse: Death of an Angel." Portions
of the show received a parental guidance warning from the FCC as he
highlighted a couple of clips from the video, which depict Ingels in
numerous graphic scenes, including far too realistically simulated torture
and necrophilia vignettes with an unnamed young actress in the video who
portrays an angel of death. Several stations have labeled the work
as "pornographic" already, only contributing to its rising
controversial piece is still under debate as to whether MTV Networks will
even show it on late night rotation if at all. Several underground Vampire
wannabe clubs are said to be fighting for rights to exclusive premiere,
with DC's Web of Night, Philadelphia's Nocturne at Shampoo, New York's
TerrorSex Cabaret and Baltimore's Nevermore all in the final running. I
think I will be running too, safely far away from this. Though, shock rock
fans are going to eat this up...
OFF YOUR NOSE TO SPIKE YOUR FACE... Or looking a gift horse in the mouth.
I really should let well enough alone that a certain other pint-sized
shock rocker, unlike her former bass player, has been blissfully
well-behaved and quiet, but then again that is our dirty little guilty
pleasure, watching the antics of her and her playmates du jour, n'est-ce
pas? It just seems so strange to me, knowing how much this Britney Spears
with a cross and wooden stake eats up the press, that she and her bedmate
Monsieur Billy Bloody are keeping under the radar. How not like you both!
Tsk, whatever will we read over our Venti Mocha Fraps this week without
you? We just don't want to miss the wedding of the year. Oh, wait, that
was last year. Except, it never happened. Or, did it? One would ask... if
you were ever around...
SOUTHERN COMFORT... In one of those wrong place, right time moments, a
small camera crew covering a prostitution story down in Southeast a few
weeks back slipped us some footage that was a bit of an eyebrow
on surveillance at the rather seedy Comfort Inn across the street, crews
happened to catch a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure exiting the
hotel at around 4-5 am, bidding an affectionate goodbye to a second
figure. One of the cameramen, a bit of a football buff, recognized the
first figure as Georgetown's Running Back and Draft Pick Robbie Jones of
New Zealand, and turned the cameras to the door just in time to catch the
pair bidding adieu. The second figure was unclear from across the street,
but footage showed was a lithe redhead... though of indeterminate gender.
Crews have not been able to ID the second person, so if any of you fans
out there know this face, by all means Dew Drop Inn...
DRAMATIS PERSONAE?... Is it just me or is your humble narratoress the only
cat in town who isn't out causing mischief of her own? Just seems like
this is not a good week to be other reporters, hm? If they're not outright
missing, they're probably wishing they were by now... Seems that two of
Miss Kitty's competition, and I do use that term loosely, chers, as protégés
would imply I would bother, have gone MIA in recent weeks, being one Caeli
Kane and the other Stacey Woods.
your fave feline is eternal, have no fear, pets. I have withstood the test
of time as Miz Rayne presumed to elevate herself from the ranks into quote
serious news unquote, not without some actual writing skill, I will grant
you, but darling do remember your roots. I remained steadfast when the
elusive Keymore Blaine came onto the scene with a splash trying to unseat
me, then just as quickly got reassigned, thank you drive through. I stood
by and watched, taking notes of course, the antics of would-be gonzo
journo Caeli
Kane fall to dust along with her personal life and career, and apparently
the little dear has gone into seclusion from the very press that was her
sad little life. In fact, a little bird has said she is officially a
missing person with DCPD... While certainly having a strange man that no
one else can identify but you, that you've been sleeping with behind the
back of your other lover(s?), murdered in your very own love nest, could
tend to make one neurotic, actually going missing is cause for concern.
Hoping this is just more histrionics to nurse along an otherwise
insignificant media career.
speaking of someone who no doubt wishes she was missing right now, did you
check out Stacey Woods tripping the light fantastic with none other than
black sheep gum heir and
porno virtuoso (so we hear), Jack Wrigley, in Web of Night? Now that is
something you don't see every day. Usually Stacey is one to COVER a story,
not uncover.... well... you do the math. Seems now that she took a walk on
the wild side, La Woods is MIA as well, no doubt recovering from après
Web activities. Perhaps you and your new toy can work out a deal with the
Gabster for a front page spread. So to speak...
PREFER BLONDES... But apparently Blondes prefer English
muffins these days. Stud muffins, that is. Seems that there's two
local socialites trying
to lick their respective wounds with each other lately. Our favorite deb, Ashley
Peterson, sans Jamison Fairfield, and amazingly even sans Louis Delacourt, was in Web of
Night having eyes for none other that the Gabster's castoff, Loki. And
rumour has it, the feeling was mutual. More to
come, no doubt, in this saga...
WHO LIVES BY THE WHIP... Seems like, according to some of my more outré
contacts, it is not a good time to be a Dominatrix in this town.
Supposedly three big-name ladies have gone AWOL in the community without
explanation, actually becoming a source of concern for Fetish Club Owners
such as Bound in
Northeast. Mistresses Doba, Lorelei and Keesha all appear to have vanished
from the scene without warning within the last 3-4 months. Now, of course,
not everyone can reinvent themselves a la Linda Lovelace and become
housewife of the year, but it has been said this is not the route these
ladies have taken. Last we were able to piece together, Doba had taken to
running with notorious Southeast DC gang The Villynz, Lorelei had gotten
involved with an accused Peruvian drug czar, and Keesha retired, though
apparently is still in the area somewhere. Wild accusations of conspiracy
or serial killers being overlooked by DCPD are
running rampant in leather and feather circles, I am told. If anyone can
unstrap themselves long enough to ring up and let us know the scoop,
please do...
now my scratching post is quite frayed, so I bid you gentle readers adieu
for this week. Always looking for more litter, though -- Please email tips
to me at the Washington Post web site. Until next time... -- Kitty Kisses