traffic reporters, as well as several officers, have
commented to the media that in the last couple of months or
so, there have been some unexplainable traffic snarls in the
Waterfront area, especially
around the South end of the Capitol and all the way
extending to Half Street and beyond.
DCPD has reported a record
number of calls from drivers claiming to be lost, stranded,
stuck down one way streets the wrong way, and other odd
events in the area, especially during rush hour. Fender
benders are up 75% in Southeast compared to the average for
the last decade. Over 20 street signs have been replaced in
the last six weeks.
The DC Department of
Transportation has done an audit of the area and can find no
discernable cause for the mass confusion.
-- WBDE (93.1 FM, "The Blade") is
hosting an upcoming live
radio show from local curio shop "The Final Word," a bookstore and
coffee shop in Midtown DC. On-Air Personality Lear "Nyx" Christiensen
will be hosting the special event, which is promoting Spirit of
Washington Cruises' upcoming October "Ghost Tour" of DC, which will take
a group of up to 100 participants on a guided all-night cruise up
through the Tidal Basin and Monuments area, and back down past Old Town
Alexandria to Mount Vernon, then returning to the Pier in Old Town.

Groups of 15 or more attendees will be given
a group rate discount on tickets, which are normally $25 and include
unlimited soft drinks and hors d'oeuvres, with a cash bar.
The live broadcast will cover some of
Christiensen's typical weekly material on the paranormal and occult, as
well as spotlight The Final Word bookstore, one of the sponsors of
WBDE's live broadcast from the Ghost Tour boat. Listeners are encouraged
to call in or appear in person at the shop. 5 Tickets for the cruise
will be raffled off for $2 apiece, with the profits going to a local
-- Detective Antoine "Tony"
Laike, once a model officer in the DCPD, has again been
relieved of duty for the second time in as many years
following a botched arrest attempt last week which resulted
in the death of a prime suspect in the Little Death case,
prompting a call for internal investigations into the
vetting process for disabled officers.
While investigating a call to an
abandoned building in Northeast two years ago, Laike's
partner, Detective John Moran, was brutally murdered in
front of Laike, who had been incapacitated, in such a cruel
way that profoundly affected the seasoned veteran of violent
crime cases. Laike was traumatized by the event, coupled
with many years on the force working some of the most harsh
and inhuman cases the city has had in decades.
Laike was relieved of duty due
to health reasons related to the incident, and remained
there until earlier this year when he was deemed fit to
return to work. However, he was placed on desk duty rather
than street, which according to some of his co-workers did
not sit very well with the restless Laike.
Unable to confine himself to
paper duties, Officer Laike responded to a Virginia B&E call
that came over the police band radio, involving two
assailants at a private residence in the town of Clifton,
Fairfax County, Virginia.

According to statements taken
from the residents of the home, Laike entered the house,
shot at one assailant who was established as unarmed, left
said assailant unsecured with two of the victims in order to
chase down, shoot and kill the second attacker. The first
attacker then escaped in the meantime.
Statements also claim that Laike
did not secure the crime scene, allowing one of the victims
to disturb evidence crucial to the investigation.
In addition, crossing
jurisdictional lines in pursuit of a crime can complicate
matters and possibly invites additional charges for Laike.
Internal Affairs issued a brief
statement through the media office stating simply that Laike
was put back on medical leave of absence with pay until the
matter can be addressed.
Calls to Laike's home went
Undergraduate Harmony Neal was found dead in her dormitory
last Sunday. Neal was last reported as having been seen by
school acquaintances on the Metro heading home from the
club, and was found in her room, having been raped, with one
lung punctured. Prelimary post-mortem exams indicate that
Neal was killed by a clean knife or razor cut of the throat
Neighboring rooms recall hearing the sound of something
tipping over in the middle of the night, assumed it was her
fumbling around in the dark, trying not to wake up her
roommate since she got in so late.
Neal's roommate, whose name is
being withheld, was off with family for the weekend.
There were no direct witnesses,
though several students recall seeing an unknown white or
Hispanic male of varying descriptions jogging away from the
dorms at approximately 2:30 am.
Campus Police were alerted when passing students noticed the
abandoned power access-way by the construction site at 23rd
and K Streets, N.W. was compromised earlier last week.
Safety officials did their best
to re-secure the site, as it was reported that soon after
the breech, a previously undiscovered secondary level under
the access room had collapsed and caved in on itself.
No students were injured in the
cave-in. The site has been re-enforced with a heavier steel
door to prevent further vandalism.

-- An unnamed male co-ed was the victim of a B&E theft
last Sunday. Two antique items were stolen. Descriptions are
being withheld pending investigation.
Campus police say that
the graduate student's room was forced open, ransacked, and
some personal items of worth stolen.
Such pranks are common
amongst college students, and reports of such mischief are
up 10% from this time last year.
Police currently have no
evidence of a correlation between the thefts, the vandalism
and the murder in the freshman dorms, all of which have
occurred since the opening of school after Labor Day.
Anna Nicole Son's Death Unnatural
Bahamas - The death of
Anna Nicole Smith's 20-year-old son was termed "suspicious"
Wednesday by the coroner's office, which scheduled a formal
inquiry that could lead to criminal charges.
Authorities said at least one other person was in the
hospital room when Daniel Wayne Smith died Sunday while
visiting his mother, a reality TV star and former Playboy
playmate, three days after she gave birth to a baby girl.
The person was not a member of the hospital staff, Reginald
Ferguson, assistant commissioner of the Royal Bahamian
Police Force, told The Associated Press. He refused to
reveal the person's identity, saying he did not want to
jeopardize the investigation.
Daniel Smith flew in Saturday to visit his mother and
three-day-old sister at the private Doctors Hospital in
Nassau. The following morning, the 20-year-old was dead.
Stephen Byrne,
aka "Loki," owner of Southeast nightclub Dark Asgard, has been keeping
such a low profile of late that sources are beginning to wonder if he
has merely retired from stage life and not announced it, much to the
possible chagrin of his fans.
As he has stated in interviews in the past,
he chose his stage name after the Norse god of mischief and
misdirection, his favorite mythological figure since childhood. It is
his belief that causing mischief and misdirection cause people to think
and look at things from new and different angles.
Born in London from an American mother (who
passed away at childbirth) and a British father (with a high position
within HM’s government), he moved to Paris on his own in his late teens.
By the time he was 20, he released his first
recording, an EP (The Trickster God), under his own independent label,
Ragnarok Records.
The EP’s popularity was limited, but he
caught the ear (and eye) of famed French songstress Marianne Sers; who
took her under her wing. Sers produced his first LP (Shedding Layers Of
Skin), and it was during the recording of that album that the two
artists became lovers.
Thriving under Marianne’s patronage, Loki
released his first LP in early 2001, and toured the US and Europe as
opening act for one of his favorite bands, Depeche Mode, during their
Exciter tour. By mid-2001 he released his second album, a two-disc
(Dreams Of A Trickster God), in which his style took a shift to a more
electronic-based sound, including some remixes of songs from his first
By early 2002 Loki embarked on a world tour
to promote his second album, playing in Europe, North America, South
America, Australia/New Zealand and Asia. Success seemed to mark every
one of his projects, so much that
he grew out of Marianne's shadow...
in fact, most observers point out that
he straight-up overshadowed her own fame.
Marianne didn't like that, and the
couple broke up, with Sers disappearing from the public eye.
Sources say that the break-up was traumatic
for Loki, who dropped his third album in mid-recording; an event which
was followed by countless reports of his abuse of alcohol and drugs,
particularly cocaine.
His downward spiral continued, and he, too,
dropped from sight, not releasing even one single since Dreams, and
refusing to perform in public. A confidential inside source at St. Croix
hospital in Paris has reported that he almost died of a heroin overdose
on New Year’s Eve, 2005.
What is it that keeps Loki off the stage? No
one knows for sure, aside from the obvious love dramas and drugs. Byrne
refuses interviews at every turn, but it seems that his change of
environment has been doing him some good.
Reports have also surfaced in recent weeks
of an unnamed blonde ingénue with whom Loki has been spotted several
times in the club since his late summer Fetish Masquerade Ball, and also
rumors that he is back in the studio working on a secret project. His
label denies the latter, and no comment could be gotten on the former.
FBI looking for missing cruise tourist
MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- Authorities were
investigating the disappearance of an
Ohio woman who was reported missing Monday from a Carnival Cruise Lines
The 36-year-old woman, whose name was not released, had been on a
four-day cruise to Key West and Mexico.
The Miami-based cruise line said relatives last saw the woman Saturday
night, but did not report her missing until Monday, when the ship
returned to Miami. FBI spokeswoman Judy Orihuela said, however, that she
was not aware of any delay in reporting the disappearance.
"It doesn't look like foul play," said Orihuela, whose agency is
investigating the case.
The disappearance from the Carnival cruise ship Imagination was the
latest missing person case involving a cruise this year.
Elizabeth Galeana, 22, of Naples, Florida, apparently fell off a cruise
ship in July and drowned. Her body was found off the coast of Italy last
month. In May, Daniel DiPiero, 21, of Canfield, Ohio, fell off a cruise
ship to the Bahamas after a night of heavy drinking with friends.
One of the highest profile cases involving a cruise ship disappearance
occurred last summer, when George Allen Smith IV, 26, of Greenwich,
Connecticut, vanished from his honeymoon cruise in the Mediterranean
after an apparent late night of drinking. Bloodstains were found on a
canopy that covers lifeboats. No one has been charged and no body has
been found.
Astronauts deliver addition to space
Texas (AP) -- Using their ship's robotic arm, astronauts aboard
shuttle Atlantis handed over the first big addition to the international
space station in more than 3 1/2 years Monday and will conduct three
spacewalks to install the giant new section.
The flight marks the first time since the 2003 Columbia disaster that
NASA has resumed assembly of the orbiting space lab. The newly
delivered, 17 1/2-ton piece consists of a truss and
electricity-generating solar panels that can rotate with the movement of
the sun.
The hatch between two orbiting spacecraft was opened after Atlantis
commander Brent Jett eased the space shuttle into the station's docking
port at 6:48 a.m. EDT.
The rendezvous took place about 220 miles above the southeastern Pacific
Atlantis pilot Chris Ferguson, on his first trip to space, had a wide
grin as he was given a tour of the space station by its crew.
A short time later, the shuttle's robotic arm was used to grasp the
45-foot-long addition in Atlantis' cargo bay and hand it over to the
space station's own robotic arm.
The crew was on schedule with all the tasks on the to-do list, said lead
flight director Paul Dye.
"Isn't that beautiful?" Dye said. "It's wonderful to see it happening
for real."
Early Tuesday, astronauts Joe Tanner and Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper
were scheduled to make a spacewalk to connect the wiring on the new
addition. The task must be performed fairly quickly so the electronic
components do not get cold.
Two more spacewalks are planned during the 11-day flight, which began on
With both the shuttle and the space station moving at 17,500 mph, the
rendezvous in orbit required Atlantis to make a series of jet firings
that ended with Jett taking manual control of the spacecraft about 1,000
feet from the space station.
"Atlantis is headed your way with a brand new piece of space station in
its trunk," Mission Control radioed.
At about 600 feet from the space station, the shuttle executed a back
flip so that the station's three-man crew could photograph Atlantis'
belly for signs of liftoff damage.
That inspection, like another one performed Sunday using a 50-foot boom
with sensors at the end, was added after the Columbia accident that
killed seven astronauts in 2003. Foam debris from Columbia's external
fuel tank broke off during liftoff and struck a wing, allowing fiery
gases to penetrate when the shuttle returned to Earth.
Revenge theory in stingray attacks
Australia (AP) -- At least 10 stingrays have been found
and mutilated on Australia's eastern coast since "Crocodile
Hunter" Steve Irwin was killed by one of the animals last
week, an official said Tuesday, prompting concerns of
revenge attacks on the normally docile fish.
The popular television star was killed last week when a
stingray barb pierced his chest as he filmed a TV show off
Australia's Great Barrier Reef, prompting an outpouring of
grief in Australia and among his fans worldwide.
The dead stingrays have been discovered on two beaches in
Queensland state, including two that were found Tuesday with
their tails lopped off, state fisheries department official
Wayne Sumpton said.
Sumpton said fishermen who inadvertently catch the
diamond-shaped rays sometimes cut off their tails to avoid
being stung, but the practice is uncommon.
Michael Hornby, the executive director of Irwin's
conservation group Wildlife Warriors, said he was concerned
the rays were being hunted and killed in retaliation for the
TV star's death.
"It may be some sort of retribution, or it may be fear from
certain individuals, or it just may be yet another callous
act toward wildlife," he said.
He said killing stingrays was "not what Steve was about."
"We are disgusted and disappointed that people would take
this sort of action to hurt wildlife," he said.
Stingrays are usually shy, unobtrusive fish that rummage
along the sea bottom for food or burrow into the sand. When
stepped on or otherwise frightened, a serrated spine up to
25 centimeters (10 inches) long in the animal's tail flares
The spines emit toxins that can kill small creatures and
cause excruciating pain in humans. Few people die from the
poison, but the spines can badly tear flesh and the wounds
are prone to infections, including tetanus.
Hornby said people should treat stingrays with caution, but
"there is still no need to ... kill or mutilate these
important animals."
Japan's new prince named Hisahito
TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- Japan's new prince, the first male heir
to the
Chrysanthemum Throne to be born in four decades, on Tuesday
was named Hisahito -- meaning "virtuous, calm and
everlasting," the Imperial Household Agency announced.
The infant, who was born September 6 and is third in line to
be the country's emperor, was named during a five-minute
ceremony following age-old imperial rites at the Tokyo
hospital where the prince and his mother, Princess Kiko, who
turned 40 the day before, are still recovering.
In the naming ceremony held at Aiiku Hospital on Tuesday
afternoon, the baby's father, Prince Akishino, bestowed the
name on the child.
Hisahito's name, which uses the Chinese characters for
"virtuous, calm and everlasting," was chosen by his parents
with the wish that the new prince has a long, prosperous
life with even-tempered peace of mind, palace spokeswoman
Yuka Shiina said.
The baby's name was written on special rice paper with brush
and ink and placed along with his personal crest in a wooden
box next to the new prince's pillow. The crest, a stylized
Japanese umbrella pine, will be used to mark Hisahito's
Keeping with custom, Hisahito's name ends with the Chinese
character "hito," which means virtuous person, similar to
current emperor, Akihito, and his father, Hirohito.
The new royal's birth forestalled a looming crisis for
Japan's century's old imperial family, which was badly in
need of a fresh male heir.
The boy is Emperor Akihito's first grandson and now third in
line to the throne, behind Akishino and Crown Prince
Naruhito. Until Wednesday, brothers Akishino and Naruhito
had three daughters between them, but no sons.
The government was set to introduce a bill earlier this year
to change a 1947 law that limits the throne to only men in
an all-male line to the emperor.
But that was put on ice when Kiko's pregnancy was announced
in February.
LOST PET - White Persian, rare purebred,
last seen in the area of Clifton Estates, VA. Answers to the name of
Captain Winkles. $4K reward, no questions asked. (703) 555-1729 pls.
call day or night. Wife is heartsick.
