VA -- Lorelei Del'Armigo, the "Madame of
DC", has returned to the area to
reopen her notorious venue, Maison du Douleur (House of Pain). The
Maison was originally run by Jean Claude de Perdue and Ms. Del'Armigo
some years ago. It was an entertainment venue that caterers to
"Fetishes," but no sexual activity is permitted on premises.
In 2001, Jean Claude fell sick, and Lorelei
and he went to Paris, closing The Maison. Del'Armigo returns to
Washington without Mr. de Perdue.
The Maison itself is a large house on
several acres of land in Loudoun County, that privately caterers to
Fetishists by appointment. The house is modeled after a plantation style
home, and has cabins and a barn. Private parties are available.
National Museum of the American Indian Pow Wow
Dance competitions and musical performances by thousands of Native
performers at the Verizon Center. August 10-12.

MD -- Inner Harbor Police
were dispatched to a "domestic" disturbance call at the
TerraTech Bolton Street Office. This office houses
TerraTech's main Political office providing offices for
Consultants and Lobbyists. The office was closed, as it was
Friday night after work hours.
Police were called when people
outside the offices say a tall woman was having a fight with
a man inside the lobby while the building was supposedly
closed. When police arrived, they found the woman covered in
blood, but with no wounds on her person.
man, who was unharmed, said that she was fine, and this was
just a lover's spat. The blood was said to be due to an
unspecified accident related to the woman menstruating. This
was not verified by police.
Police identified the man as
Vander Soulridge, CEO of the company, and the woman was Hera
Wyre, an employee.
Neither party wanted to press
charges, and since the incident fell under the criteria for
Disturbing the Peace rather than Domestic Violence, both
parties were permitted to go their separate ways after the
report was taken. Police still consider the matter under
investigation, but do not have enough evidence to detain or
charge either party involved at this time.
VA -- Two unidentified young males were seen trying to
remove a 1985 Buick Regal, custom remodeled to resemble
sister muscle car the Grand National, from the Arlington
County police impound lot. The car was inoperable, as it was
being held as evidence in a car jacking suspected to have
been done by a local gang.
The owner of the vehicle,
Francesca Torquemada, has been missing since the night the
car was reported stolen almost a month ago.
It is possible that the guilty
parties were trying to remove the car before some form of
incriminating evidence was recovered. They did not make it
out of the lot with the car.
Video footage of the pair was
too grainy to make a positive ID.
Also, when the pair broke into
the lot, they may have let in a stray dog of some kind,
apparently a husky or other large, wolf-like breed. The dog
was not caught and appears to have left the impound lot.

Surgeon Liable After Leaving Needle In Patient
NEW YORK CITY (AP) -- A New York City
surgeon has been found liable
a lawsuit that accused him of losing a needle inside a patient and
leaving it inside after not being able to find it.
In a rare successful motion for summary judgment by a plaintiff in a
medical malpractice action, a Manhattan judge held a surgeon liable for
leaving behind a needle, which remains lodged between the plaintiff's
liver and right kidney. The judge ruled there is ample proof that Dr. A.
Douglas Heymann departed from accepted medical practices when he left
the needle inside Christopher Faas after hernia surgery in 2001. Heymann
and another surgeon were unable to find the needle after several hours
of looking, including X-rays. The needle has since migrated to the
patient's liver and is still there.
The judge added that Faas could not have been contributorily negligent,
given that he was under anesthesia at the time the needle was lost.
Faas's lawyer said it's jeopardizing Faas' health. The needle lodged
behind Faas' liver, where it remains. Doctors have determined that
removing it presents more risks than letting it remain. "In order to
remove it, they'd have to perform a laparotomy and remove his intestine
and search every inch of [it] for this needle," said DiPietro. "Every
time he feels a pinch in his belly, he's wondering whether this needle
is perforating one of his organs," DiPietro added.
There have been only six reported decisions in New York of cases
involving surgical needles left behind in patients, according to a New
York Law Journal search.
Another trial will determine damages. And the lawsuit against the other
doctor goes to trial next month.
From 1970-1973, Dr. Heymann was the Chief of General Surgery for NATO.
He was listed as a Top Doctor, Surgery by Castle Connolly Guide 2003,
and America's Top Surgeons in 2007, as well as one of New York
Magazine's Best Doctors for 2006 and 2007.
Parepin - America's First Line of Defense
ORLANDO, FL -- This weekend, Parepin
will be added to Orlando's
supply in what is both a symbolic and very practical move in the battle
against biological terrorism. Parepin strengthens the immune system,
boosting immunity against a wide range of biological weapons.
After the devastating dirty bomb and
biological attacks against Los Angeles and Anaheim, Orlando was selected
for protection against biological attack. Washington, D.C., New York
City, Atlanta and Boston will all be adding Parepin to their water
supply before the end of the month, and national rollout should be
completed by the end of summer.
Parepin is the brand name for a man-made
drug that is also sometimes referred to by its generic name, Zeridine.
Developed in a ground-breaking partnership
between a major pharmaceutical company and NIH, Parepin is a complex
drug that bootstraps the immune system.
Parepin ( ) is a revolutionary drug made possible by
the advances in medical technology from the study of AIDS and other
immune diseases. While antibiotics target bacteria and antiviral drugs
target viruses, Parepin is not designed to combat a specific disease or
set of diseases. Instead, it makes the body better able to combat all
London man finds world's largest species of centipede in his apartment
LONDON (AP) - Aaron Balick expected to find a tiny mouse stirring
around behind the TV in his apartment. Instead, he found a venomous
giant centipede that somehow made its way from South America to Britain.
trapped the 9-inch-long creature between a stack of books and put it in
a plastic container. "Thinking it was a mouse, I went to investigate the
sound," Balick said Wednesday. "The sound was coming from under some
papers which I lifted, expecting to see the mouse scamper away.
"Instead, when I lifted the papers, I saw this prehistoric-looking
animal skitter away behind a stack of books."
The next day Balick, 32, took it to Britain's Natural History Museum,
which identified the insect as a Scolopendra gigantea - the world's
biggest species of centipede.
Stuart Hine, an entomologist at the museum, said it was likely the
centipede hitched a ride aboard a freighter, likely with a shipment of
fruit. "Dealing with over 4,000 public and commercial inquiries every
year, we have come to expect the unexpected. However, when Aaron
produced this beast from his bag I was staggered," Hine said. "Not even
I expected to be presented with this."
The centipede has front claws that are adapted to deliver venom when it
stings, which can lead to a blistering rash, nausea and fever. The sting
is rarely life-threatening, though.

Entertainment and
From regular columnist
Kitty Whittier
Ahhh... the end of summer approaches. The
end of white shoes and Virginia Beach, the beginning of the Renaissance
Festival and school traffic. But, hope springs eternal, as does drama in
our torrid little hamlet. On with the show!
I realize my column is often the "Loki
Show", simply because he can be relied upon to do interesting and snark-worthy
things. This month is no disappointment.
Trickster has added yet another mystery woman to his entourage of
sycophants, this time an exotic little Asian number he was seen chatting
up for quite some time, sans his other toys and sans the law student.
Said young lady was also seen at the same
time in the company of an unidentified young white male, ruggedly
blue-collar good-looking, sporting an interesting tattoo.
Later on, another Asian girl, who may be a
sister to the first, strolled up in a red kimono top and joined in.
Sources later corrected me to say this may in fact be her BROTHER!
Someone, please get that boy a map to Dupont Circle, stat!
On a rougher note, Heidi Fleiss, look out!
You're about to get dethroned, when the House of Pain reopens out in the
'burbs. Madame Del'Armigo has come to whip things back into shape. I
will have to be extra good from now on, non?
Until next time, pets...
Monica Garrett

Morality can't be imposed from the outside
Dear Monica:
There seems to be a definite pattern in the letters that
appear in your column regarding folks who are not married
but are living together or are in "serious" relationships
and having sex.
Could you tell me when this behavior ceased being considered
immoral? When I was a young man, we all knew that these
things happened, but everyone also knew that they were
immoral acts.
It cannot be that, just because these activities are no
longer illegal, they are now considered to be acceptable.
Imagine, as an example, an elderly widow who adds her only
son as a co-owner of her considerable bank account, and the
no-good son promptly cleans out the account at the first
opportunity and absconds with the widow's money.
No one would consider this a moral act, even though it is
quite legal. And if this widow wrote to you, I'm sure you
would agree that what the son did was highly immoral.
So, if you would be so inclined, could you help me to
understand why sex outside of marriage is now considered to
be a morally neutral act if it is between consenting adults?
-- Richard
Dear Richard:
Comparing sex between consenting, committed and rational
adults to ripping off an old lady is a new twist to an old
I presume the popular cultural opinion about this matter has
shifted because when people stopped to ponder the moral
question, they couldn't figure out why it would be necessary
for society to pass judgment on an activity that simply
doesn't enter the public sphere. Even if you view this
behavior as some sort of moral crime, surely it is
Individuals (yourself included, of course) should be able to
set their own moral compass and live by the moral, ethical,
cultural or religious dictates they choose -- within the
reasonable standard of lawfulness. No one individual can
rightfully impose his moral standards on the rest of us,
though you are welcome to express your views. I'm sure other
readers will be eager to weigh in.