(News graphic & background designed by Nysie)
NORTHWEST -- DC resident Clyde Wilkins, son of John and Amanda Wilkins of Northwest DC, was awarded a full-ride baseball scholarship to George Washington University. The Colonials are proud to welcome their newest rising star to the team. More information can be found at the GW Athletics web site at: http://gwsports.cstv.com/sports/m-basebl/gewa-m-basebl-body.html
New Street Drug Turns Users Into "Zombies" by Hailey Mills, Investigative Reporter
DC Police have released a report warning local authorities
and residents about the latest designer drug to hit the East
Coast this year.
Unrelated to both the French and Shakespearean euphemisms for sexual climax, this drug kills faster than anything previously on the black market, and leaves a lasting side effect on those who die from taking the drug. A few days ago, the Midtown Precinct was attacked by a lone gunman who was under the influence of Little Death, causing his body to continue to function hours after he was dead. Medical officials are stumped on this new drug's side effects. A Forensic Toxicologist at Washington's Sibley Memorial Hospital said, "This stuff is like something right out of a George Romero movie, frankly." DCPD consulted a local occultist, Dina Newberger, in regards to the strange symbols on the drug's packaging. According to police sources, Newberger, claims that the symbol is based off Satanic images, and was quoted as saying that "only Satan would desire a league of zombies to do his bidding." As of yet, DEA officials have not released an official rendering of the images on the drug's packaging. The graphic in this article is an estimation. Whoever is behind this new drug, Local law enforcement are keeping closed lipped on the details, ostensibly in order to more effectively zero in on the source without tipping their hand..
Local Teen Gets 11 Months for Drag Racing
A Fairfax County teenager, whose
drag racing in Springfield led to the death of his best
friend last year, has been sentenced to 11 months in prison
for involuntary manslaughter. Court records show that they were racing against a 1996 Chevrolet Camaro driven by another 17-year-old. All three were students at West Springfield High School.
Witnesses told police that both
cars were heading at high speeds down Old Keene Mill when,
as they neared Huntsman Boulevard, a six-ton Ford dump truck
going the opposite direction turned left in front of them.
The Camaro swerved and crashed into a light pole. The driver
was not seriously hurt.
Local Man Kills Family, Self in Jealous Rage
NORTHEAST DC -- John Shaw was well liked by his
co-workers and friends. He worked full time as a
construction worker whose employers say was always on time
and friendly, so it came as a shock on Friday when he did
not show up for work Ritter was asked to come down to the station for questioning. "I was shocked when I got there and they told me John was dead, and so were his wife and two children. But I was even more shocked to find out it was John who'd held the gun," Ms. Ritter told The Washington Star-News Friday. At around 8 p.m., officers say that, according to the caller in question, Mr. Shaw intercepted a phone call on his wife's cell phone, causing him to go into a jealous rage. The man on the other line was calling to speak to Mr. Shaw's wife and he believed that Shaw believed the caller was having an affair with his wife. The caller has been identified as 27 year old Aaron Hall of Silver Spring, MD. Hall denies the allegation of adultery. According to cell phone records, Shaw attempted to call Hall back but dialed another number that was one digit off from Hall's, though he spent more than 10 minutes on the call. After this, Shaw apparently went into his bedroom and loaded a shotgun, then proceeded to shoot his wife and 2 children, ages 3 and 6, before turning the gun on himself. Neighbors called the police when they heard the yelling and shots, but they got there too late. Funeral arrangements have been made and a memorial for the Shaw Family will be at St John's Episcopal Church in Northeast, where the Shaw's worshipped. Rev. John Gillespie said that the couple were "working through their marital problems" at the time of the murder.
Death of Two Local Teens still Unexplained
What they did find was the young
boy face down in this bedroom dead of unexplained causes.
Toxin screens by the D.C. Crime lab showed that the boy, who
was a hockey player and A-student, had nothing in his system
that would have
While investigating the case, the officers received another shocking call. Another teen was found in a local park. Officers Jackson and Bernard once again responded. "It was like Deja-Vu" Officer Jackson said, "here was this otherwise healthy girl sitting dead on a park bench just like that boy we'd found only a day or two before." This time it was the body of Sandi Duncan, a Senior at Lovettsville High School. Sandi was working in D.C. during the summer. There were no signs of foul play and like Creighton nothing was found by the Crime Lab to point to cause of death. The F.B.I. has opened this as an official case but as of yet have not made a public statement.
DC -- Things were quite Sunday August
6th at the DCPD Midtown precinct when Officer George Frenley
brought in what he described as a "Drunk and Disorderly John
Doe". Things quickly escalated into a brawl when John Doe
managed to get loose from Officer Frenley and wrestle the
gun from him. Shouting threats and brandishing the gun John
Doe took
Frenley leapt to action to protect his fellow officer and sprayed John Doe with mace. Officers subdued John Doe after Forrester was released and Doe died during the altercation. Coroners office is looking into the cause of death and Internal Affairs is investigating.
Wounded Officer Recovering
D.C. Coroner, Dr. Jordan Forrester, was wounded in the attack at the Midtown Precinct when she was hit with pepper spray in the mouth and face. She was sent to Georgetown University Medical Center and released the next day with burns to the inside of her mouth but in otherwise stable condition. The Washington Star News sends hopes for a speedy recovery to Dr. Forrester.
Cops Go Back to Class
FAIRFAX, Va. -- School in
Fairfax County is several weekends away from starting up
again, but Friday morning, police officers who will be
helping out in schools this year underwent training.
Firefighter Emerges from a Lost Decade -- Compiled from Newswires
Nearly 9 1/2 years after a firefighter was
left brain-damaged and mostly mute during a 1995 roof collapse, he did
something that shocked his family and
Virgin Mary Seen On Overpass by George Armitage, Chicago Tribune
CHICAGO, IL -- A steady stream of the faithful
and the curious, many carrying flowers and candles, have
flocked to a Chicago-area expressway underpass for a view of
a yellow and white stain on a concrete wall that some
believe is an image of
-- from International News Wires Cacique Raony, indigenous chief of the Kayapo tribe of the state of Mato Grosso, left, speaks during an encounter with journalists in Brasilia, Brazil, on Sunday. Approximately a hundred indigenous bosses of several states of the country are in Brasilia for a meeting with president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Tuesday.
Informer Files Stir Uproar in Romania
BUCHAREST, ROMANIA -- Nearly 17 years after Romania's
communist regime collapsed, the first of an estimated 1.3
million files amassed by its secret police are finally about
to become public, and already the nation is convulsed by
revelations of how citizens were forced into betraying
friends and colleagues.
Passions of the Drunk
MALIBU, CA -- Gibson, 50, was sentenced to three years probation, fined
$1,600 and
The rabbi of a Beverly Hills
synagogue that serves the entertainment industry has invited
Mel Gibson to address the congregation on Yom Kippur, the
Jewish Day of Atonement.
GLENDALE, CA -- Teen actor Haley Joel Osment, who suffered a broken rib last
month when his car struck a mailbox, faces up to six months in jail on charges that he was driving drunk and possessing marijuana, authorities
said. Osment's is best known for his performance as the kid who saw
ghosts in Sixth Sense.