Police say that they have been contacted and
informed that current owners of The Phantasm, Aki Oshii and Louis
Delacourt, have merely been on hiatus due to the stress of suddenly
managing the club without long term
partner and former owner Sean Brennan.
Oshii and Delacourt have decided that they
happier performing than managing and have signed over ownership of the
club to a management partnership between Eriond Tekenduis, a former
associate of the owners prior to Brennan; Chiana Rayne, daughter of the
Hungarian Ambassador and Washington Post correspondent, and acquaintance
of Delacourt's; and Jaymes
Lovier, an Abercrombie & Fitch model from Texas who is also Oshii's
sometimes escort and housemate.
The club remains dark until the transition
can be completed and a new performance schedule established. Auditions
for new acts will be held in two weeks, time and place to be announced.
D.C. Airspace May Be Restricted for Good
By LESLIE MILLER, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - The government wants permanently to restrict a wide
swath of airspace over the Washington area and make it a crime if a
private pilot knowingly enters a zone that extends from Maryland to

Pilots have strayed hundreds of times since the government temporarily
restricted airspace over the capital just before the start of the Iraq
war in 2003. In many cases, fighter jets, which are prepared to shoot
down a plane, have escorted an errant plane to an airport.
The current restrictions went into effect in February 2003, when the FAA
expanded the zone over Washington before the war in Iraq. Similar limits
were imposed after the Sept. 11 attacks.
The restricted airspace includes an outer ring that has a radius of
about 30 miles to 45 miles and an altitude of 18,000 feet.
The zone extends east beyond Baltimore, west beyond Dulles International
Airport in Virginia, north to Gaithersburg, Md., and about 30 miles
south of Washington. A plane that flies into this zone must file a
flight plan, emit a special signal so air traffic controllers can follow
it and maintain radio contact with the ground.
An inner ring extends about 15 miles from the Washington Monument. Most
flights are prohibited from flying into this area.
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, which represents private
pilots, opposes the FAA plan. The group says the outer ring is
unnecessary because so many precautions have been taken since Sept. 11.
Measures include improved radar coverage, anti-aircraft missiles and a
system that uses lasers to warn pilots away from the restricted
"No general aviation aircraft has ever been used in a terrorist attack,"
the association's president, Phil Boyer, said in a statement. He said
the government has not any violation of the outer ring restriction that
was terrorist-related.
The FAA proposal would allow the government to impose criminal penalties
— fines and up to a year in prison — on anyone who knowingly or
willingly enters the outer zone. People have 90 days to comment on the
responded to a call last
of a pillar of hot white light shining down onto the pavement in the
2700 block of Utah Street, right up the block from the well-known curio
shop, "The Magic Box." Reports claim a man was running down the street
and ran into the light and vanished, but these reports are unconfirmed.
No one in the shop or neighboring buildings has further information on
the nature of the light or the missing man.
Shinzui Subsidiary Experiences Terrorist Attack - LOUDOUN
Corporation of Japan (NIKKEI: SHIN), new owners of Pentex
subsidiary Magadon Pharmaceuticals,
reported that one of the first issues they had to deal with in acquiring
several new Assets is addressing the highly lax security measures of
some facilities, not the least of which was a Magadon lab in Ashburn,
Virginia, in an industrial park near MCI and Nextel Headquarters.
Sources say that Magadon security was
breeched a couple of weeks ago, but for Homeland Security reasons it was
kept out of the media until more information could be determined without
undue attention being called to the break-in, that might tip off the
perpetrators, who are still at large. Guards claim it was a pack
of wild dogs, but the company is claiming heavy casualties of security
staff, as well as compromised computer and burglar systems, which point
to human assailants. There was also use of guns and other weaponry,
which also indicates human attackers, not wildlife.
Magadon is engaged in a joint venture with
Developmental Neogenetics Amalgamated of Bethesda, MD, to study and
counter the effects of an unnamed but serious genetic mutation discovered last decade. The
labs attacked contained patients with the disorder as well as a medical
team attempting to find a cure.
Shinzui is also having to contend with
allegations that their newly acquired companies paid kickbacks to
Senators in exchange for support on key bills on the Hill that supported
big business measures from which they benefited financially. Former
Senator Campbell is already under indictment in relation to some
environmental reforms and regulatory matters he pushed through, that
aided Magadon and other Pentex subsidiaries. Campbell, as well as
Shinzui, intend to rigorously defend these allegations.
Nextel Exec's Actress Wife Missing After Car Wreck in
Western Fairfax County -- Dulles, VA --
Fairfax County police responded to a call
EVP Jonathan
Seaverson that his wife, upcoming
actress and model Naomi Silverthorn (Seaverson), was believed to be the
driver of his vehicle in a severe car crash along a desolate stretch of
Old Ox Road near Dulles Airport last
Seaverson's BMW was found totaled, but
he was not notified until the plates and VIN plate could be located on
the mangled wreck. By this time, the driver had been transported by
EMT's and a positive ID could not be made that night. Seaverson was not
aware of whether or not his wife had his car, and had reported her
missing after she had not come home or kept any of her appointments for
a day and a half, without cause.
Authorities need to locate the driver
to determine whether the accident is the cause of her being missing.
Seaverson is working with local authorities now to determine where the
driver has been admitted.
If anyone has information on the
whereabouts of Naomi Seaverson, please notify Fairfax County police at
(703) 691-2300.
While Katherine Whittier
is on assignment covering hard news, the Gossip Section is on hiatus.
More Than
I Could Ask For!
The last night of the Southwest
Believers’ Convention was one of those awesome moments with God. Brother
Kenneth started prophesying, then Billye Brim, and then the “trumpet
started to blow” (by Phil Driscoll). Then Brother Jerry got up to give a
word. During all this, the Lord started telling me to make a list of the
things I need right now, and add it up. Billye felt led to ask if we
could take up another offering. I had given $20 in the first offering,
but I gave $520 in the second offering, because I needed $52,000. I
believed and thanked God for my hundredfold return. One week later, I
received a Federal Express envelope. Enclosed were papers from a
property I once owned. The buyer wanted to pay off his loan early. The
pay-off amount, after tithe, came to $53,603.62. Glory to God! He gave
me more than I asked for.
Every day I pray for KCM and I’m so
glad I am a Partner with you. Your ministry, teachings and love
continually bless me. -- Gerry Dale K., Dallas, Texas
Seattle Man Catches
Fire During Surgery
SEATTLE (Reuters) -
Seattle police launched an
investigation on Friday to determine how a patient undergoing
emergency heart surgery caught on fire at a local hospital in
The male patient, who was not
identified, went up in flames after alcohol poured on his skin
was ignited by a surgical instrument.
The patient died after the surgery
but that was due to heart failure and not the fire, said Dr.
Robert Caplan, medical quality director of Virginia Mason.
Caplan said fires are known to occur
in operating rooms although they were extremely rare.
The two-year-old incident became
publicly known after an anonymous letter sent to the media
mentioned it as a sign of unsafe health care at the hospital,
and said the patient burned to death.
Caplan strongly disputed its
contents. "That letter is factually incorrect," he said.
Inventor Kurzweil Aiming to Live Forever
Famed Inventor and Computer Scientist Ray Kurzweil Primes
Himself for Forever
By JAY LINDSAY Associated Press Writer
WELLESLEY, Mass. Feb 12, 2005 —
Ray Kurzweil doesn't tailgate. A man who plans to live forever
doesn't take chances with his health on the highway, or anywhere
As part of his daily routine, Kurzweil ingests 250 supplements,
eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10
of green tea. He also periodically tracks 40 to 50 fitness
indicators, down to his "tactile sensitivity." Adjustments are made
as needed. "I do actually fine-tune my programming," he said.
The famed inventor and computer scientist is serious about his
health because if it fails him he might not live long enough to see
humanity achieve immortality, a seismic development he predicts in
his new book is no more than 20 years away.
It's a blink of an eye in history, but long enough for the
56-year-old Kurzweil to pay close heed to his fitness. He urges
others to do the same in "Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live
The book is partly a health guide so people can live to benefit from
a coming explosion in technology he predicts will make infinite life
spans possible.
Kurzweil writes of millions of blood cell-sized robots, which he
calls "nanobots," that will keep us forever young by swarming
through the body, repairing bones, muscles, arteries and brain
cells. Improvements to our genetic coding will be downloaded via the
Internet. We won't even
need a heart.
The claims are fantastic, but Kurzweil is no crank. He's a recipient
of the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT prize, which is billed as a sort of
Academy Award for inventors, and he won the 1999 National Medal of
Technology Award. He has written on the emergence of intelligent
machines in
publications ranging from Wired to Time magazine. The Christian
Science Monitor has called him a "modern Edison." He was inducted
into the Inventors Hall of Fame in 2002. Perhaps the MIT graduate's
most famous inventions is the first reading machine for the blind
that could read any typeface.
During a recent interview in his company offices, Kurzweil sipped
green tea and spoke of humanity's coming immortality as if it's as
good as done. He sees human intelligence not only conquering its
biological limits, including death, but completely mastering the
natural world.
George Bush Releases Revised Republican Bible
WASHINGTON, DC (AP) — US President George W. Bush has
elaborated on his cosmology and his new theory of “intelligent
design” which is basically a rehashed version of Old Testament
creationism. Bush has rewritten many
of the Bible to reflect his beliefs, and the White House has just
released the official Republican Party version of the Bible.
Here is a sample of the first part of the revised version of
“Once there were no stars, no moon, no sun, and not even any Rich
People, and not even an Earth! There was not even any twinkle of
light. All was dark, and it was so, so cold you could almost feel
it, except there was nothing to feel either. Because nothing was out
there. All was empty space and it was so empty and lonely that there
was not one thing that could bump into another thing. So empty that
not even any sound could be heard, not even a whisper. Because no
one was out there except the Great God RepublicaYaweh who was very,
very rich. And that’s when it all began a long, really long, long
time ago...."
Next time you see a star twinkle in the night, stop and think about
this: God put a twinkle in the dark so we would remember how very
important it is to obey Him just like the stars do.
Big Ben's Silence Baffles Engineers
LONDON (AP) - Big Ben, the landmark London clock renowned for its
accuracy and chimes, stopped ticking for 90 minutes, an engineer said
Officials do not know why the 147-year-old clock on the banks of the
River Thames
stopped at 10:07 p.m. Friday. It resumed keeping time, but stalled again
at 10:20 p.m. and remained still for about 90 minutes before starting up
again, a spokeswoman for the House of Commons said on condition of
anonymity, citing government policy.
There has been speculation a recent spell of hot weather may have been
to blame. Temperatures in London reached 90 Saturday, and forecasters
called it England's hottest day in May since 1953.
Big Ben, which is operated by the Palace of Westminster, survived
attacks by German Luftwaffe bombers during World War II, continuing to
mark the time to within 1 1/2 seconds of Greenwich Mean Time.
However, the clock has experienced occasional problems.
In 1962, snow caused the clock to ring in the New Year 10 minutes late.
In 1976, the clock stopped when a piece of its machinery broke. Big Ben
also stopped on April 30, 1997, and once more three weeks later.
Big Ben is actually the clock's 13-ton bell, which was named after Sir
Benjamin Hall, the British commissioner of works at the time the clock
was built.
The official name for the Gothic tower holding Big Ben is St. Stephen's
Tower. Standing 315 feet tall, it was completed in 1858 after an 1834
fire destroyed most of the Palace of Westminster.
Man raised from the dead at wedding
Shumen, Bulgaria -- In a letter published
in "Verfolgte Christen" ('Persecuted Christians'), pastor
Vesselin Lazarov from Shumen, Bulgaria, thanks the missions
agency AVC for their practical assistance. He reports "God has
performed many miracles in our midst. We recently witnessed a
man raised from the dead. While some Gypsy musicians from our
church were playing at a Turkish wedding, a young man fell to
the ground, dead. People tried to resuscitate him, but without
success. Then a member of our church prayed, commanding the
spirit of death to leave the man, and called him back to life.
The man stood up! The over 100 astonished eyewitnesses shouted
'A miracle! A miracle!'"
Separate Legs of 'mermaid' Baby, Term Risky Surgery a 'true Success'
LIMA, Peru (AP) - Doctors fully
separated the fused legs of a baby girl known as Peru's "mermaid" early
Wednesday, calling the delicate procedure a "true
Doctors performing the 4 1/2 hour surgery had planned to begin repairing
the birth defect only up to the child's knees, but the procedure
exceeded the expectations of the medical team.
Milagros' legs had been fused together from her thighs to her ankles
when she was born.
"This surgical intervention has been a true success," Rubio said.
Hours before the surgery, Milagros, whose name means "miracles," giggled
and played on her hospital bed while Rubio, leader of a team of 11
surgeons performing the operation, looked on.
Milagros was born with a rare congenital defect known as sirenomelia, or
"mermaid syndrome," which occurs in one out of every 70,000 births.
There are only three known cases of children with the affliction alive
in the world today, according to Rubio.
The surgery was televised live and was watched by the child's parents.
Milagros' father, Ricardo Cerron, 24, broke into tears as Rubio made the
first incision at the start of the surgery late Tuesday. The baby's
mother, Sara Arauco, 20, put her hand to her mouth. A nurse standing
behind her chair put her hands on Arauco's shoulders.
But later, as the surgery progressed, Arauco said her prayers had been
"Yes, this is a miracle," she told The Associated Press. "I know, even
though I am a sinner, God has paid attention to me, maybe not for my
sake, but for my daughter's."
Milagros weighs 14.75 pounds and measures 25 inches long, about the size
and weight of a normal 6-month-old.
Rubio said Milagros had suffered frequent urinary infections because her
urinary tract, anus and genitals end in the same opening, almost like a
Rubio said Milagros would need up to 15 years of corrective surgeries to
reconstruct and repair her sexual, digestive and other internal organs.