reporter Katherine Whittier, who suffered a cocaine overdose several weeks
ago, is finally awake again, after being One evening several weeks ago, Whittier had phoned DCPD from her cell phone, after leaving her office at The Post, claiming that a young white male in a black Honda was stalking her into an alleyway near the Post Building. Police have no suspects in the case that fit Whittier's claim. Video tape of her arrest was inconclusive. Whittier, her Doctors and her Attorney are naturally tight lipped about the particulars of the case; however, a few pieces of information have been released, much of it conflicting. Whittier issued a very brief statement after awakening a couple days ago, that she confessed to having an over a year-long battle with cocaine addiction. Whittier's attorney claims the statement was made under spurious conditions, seeing as his client has only just now awakened from a months-long coma, with the extent of potential brain damage or other effects still undetermined. She has not been well enough to make any further comments or take visitors other than immediate family.
Whittier's Doctor additionally stated that she has absolutely no signs of track marks, and assured the press that Georgetown records confirm this upon her admittance, the lack of which is highly inconsistent with a year-long injection habit. He added that Whittier also did not suffer from delusions prior to the present time, weight loss or respiratory disturbances abnormal to her asthmatic condition, all of which often occur with frequent use of the drug in any form, injected or otherwise. In rare instances, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter. Cocaine-related deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory arrest, a combination that spells certain death for a known asthmatic, further supporting Doctors' insistence that Whittier was previously clean and her confessional statement suspect. Police have not yet formally charged Whittier with possession, even though allegedly there were packets of the drug and recently-used injection paraphernalia in her car the night she was picked up. Sources all around are guarded, as they determine the true extent of the damage to Whittier's system, mentally and physically, before deciding how to legally proceed. In the meantime, numerous well wishers from the glitterati of Washington, interestingly many of them targets in her volatile gossip columns, have come by to pay respects, Whittier's room replete with flowers, cards and balloons from many such as Lady Helen Fairfield, and AbFitch male model Jaymes Lovier. Sources say there have been inevitable and obvious rumors that someone previously a target of Whittier's acerbic observations could have had set her up as payback for one of her columns; but the list of suspects, were that the case is legion, and police have no substantial leads to point to anyone in particular. Whittier's regular social column, which appears elsewhere in this paper, has been placed on hiatus and herself placed on medical leave pending further updates on her condition.
by Berkeley S. Learmonth, Staff Reporter
Saturday, April 25 — The Phantasm, popular 1940's style hot-spot for the trendy and elite, was riveted for the remainder of the evening, after an impromptu performance of unbelievable caliber. A hitherto unknown young musician, Mr. Jorsca Loupyn, a shy, quiet man, walked into the club, then almost directly onstage, and the audience may never be the same. His guitar is scuffed and well-used in places, and his stage presence is subtly compelling, a far cry from the star power flash of Loki, or the dramatic, classic ethereal persona of club owner and violinist Sean Davies.
Mr. Loupyn was interviewed afterwards, and describes his particular style of music as "Gitano," which is defined as ‘Spanish gypsy’ music, according to popular resources. Jorsca, however, refers to himself as being of Romani descent. The term ‘Gypsy,’ which is a permutation of "Egyptian" (though this culture originated primarily in India), is considered by the Rom to be overwhelming offensive, and politically incorrect. Jorsca learned to play guitar when he was eight years old, taught by his parents. One of his favorite songs is The Who's “Behind Blue Eyes”, which he played a beautiful rendition of before posing for the photo. The innocence and mastery of his musicianship leave Jorsca Loupyn striking a chord with his listeners, making a strong impression with such a subtle, gentle manner.
(OOC Note: this was a 10 success performance)
discovered poet of the streets Scotty Goldman has been making the rounds
of several
Hank Taylor — Good With His Hands
-- Artisan Interview by Berkeley S. Learmonth
Fellow Vendor Ms. Winter Raine, instructor and founder of A Touch of Peace Yoga, and employee with At Your Service Conciergerie, states, “(His) work is truly magnificent. The sculptures seemed only need a breath of life in order to move.” Indeed. What sparked your interest in sculpture? Dream and memory. If you can capture a fleeting moment, and lock it in stone, you take ephemera and give it permanence Please
describe your first piece. It’s a small, somewhat crude sculpture of primitive warrior, clad in loincloth and armed with a paddle-like bladed club, made of variegated sandstone. Inspired by dreams after too long working on an anthropology paper. The weapon is actually very like a macauital, which is to say... imagine a wooden canoe paddle, with a groove cut along each edge, and inlaid with chips of sharp, broken stone.
What would you consider the most unusual piece you’ve created?Nataraja of the Craftsmen: a variant of the typical Lord of the Dance. Any artists you admire? Michelangelo was brilliant in stone, though I find I empathize more philosophically with Bernini. What do you consider your favorite piece of art? Leonardo DiVinci’s design for the ornithopter, which was brilliant in its innovation, even if it wasn't truly functional Please describe the attitude, or feel, of your work? Infinite possibility. What I make are the things people say don't exist in the modern world... but if I make them, they do exist. Even only on a diminished level, it's more than most people conceive. Will you take your art full-time?
Probably not. It's one of those things, that's, well, fun when you're doing it for fun. But you worry if you had to do it full-time it'd become tedious.
Finally-- what is your reaction to the overwhelming popularity of your work? Well, I'm glad the public likes it. But... I didn't really make it for them. If they all hated it, I'd probably still do sculpture. It's just something I do for myself. Hank Taylor can currently be reached at Taylor Made Inc., of Lanham, Maryland, during business hours.
AUTOMOTIVE - FOR SALE: Of interest to serious muscle car collectors. 1969 Ford Mustang Mach I, Red, fully restored to factory specs, with even smoother handling than off the factory floor.
Serious inquiries only.
For information please contact Paul's Automotive Repair at (202) 555-5134 and ask for Paul. Custom mods and 24 Hour Emergency Road Service also available; inquire by phone.
MD HS SENIOR MURDERED: Tacoma Park High School senior and football player Robert Duquesne was found dead a few days ago along a Southwest Waterfront park. He was last seen driving his late-model Corvette near the Potomac, where it was found still parked. His body was found on a nearby park bench, pants and wallet missing, his jugular slit with a sharp cutting object, blood splattered over the bench and grass. No witnesses or motive have been determined in the murder.
BALTIMORE, MD: Management
at Web of Night North Gothic Music Club on the Inner Harbor reported to A few months ago, notorious DJ GeMiN][ was reported missing after a fire gutted the entertainer's townhome in North Baltimore. Gemini has not been seen since that day, but police were fairly certain there was no body in the remnants from the fire.
ROCK SINGER LOKI HAS HEARING ON RAPE AND ASSAULT CHARGES: A Pre-Trial Conference is set for this Friday in which the Court will hear any plea bargains, identify the issues, the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence and case, and log and note potential witnesses for the trial, likely to include Ambrose herself, whose testimony is key in this case.
Exotic dancer, stripper and actress Gabrielle After a lengthy conversation with Federal authorities, Wildwood relieved her attorney of his obligation to her and cooperated with authorities by turning states evidence and providing information on another case. Wildwood
was then released and all charges filed
against her have been dropped. She has been court-ordered, however, to
attend rehab to deal with her drug addictions, which was a mandatory
condition of the charges being dropped.
election year we will see many topics debated. But none will be debated as
heatedly as the Patriot Act and the protection of American interests at
home. And while I agree that we should protect our citizens from threats abroad,
it is also my belief that we should protect ourselves from rogue elements
within our own borders. I don't recall the Patriot Act granting government officials the right to steal from the public. Yet this very thing is happening under our very noses as we speak. It
has come to my attention that a man identifying himself as an FBI agent
went into local business establishments and done just that. The man in
question was an abnormally tall (well over 6'5") slavic man, short
black hair, dark brown eyes, average attractiveness, muscular, late 20's
to 30's. He identified himself to security at a local entertainment venue
as an agent of the FBI, proceeded to enter the building, and walked out
with security tapes of that night's activities. No arrests were made. No warrants
were provided. He simple walked in, identified himself as an FBI agent and
walked out with club property, without due process or permission from
anyone. -- Felecia Bellman, Political Editor
To The Editor, I am amazed by the ignorance and bigotry of the Vatican as of late, having enough gall to deny those politicians who support abortion the Eucharist. I urge the officials of the Vatican to reconsider your stance on this issues, in such a chaotic time that we are in. The ideals of mankind pollute the message of God. God has granted each and everyone of us free will, to deny those his blessing, because they believe in such ideals as abortion, or homosexuality is blasphemous. You, the Vatican, preach the message of God. It's time you stop preaching and practicing that message. Jeseuth of Nazareth the many, who you have leveled up to god-hood, has said love one another as you would love yourself for you are all children of God. Do that such thing, for they are only exerting their free will, that very right and power granted by God whom you so fervently proclaim you represent. It's time to stop your oppression of others and show some compassion. FOR WE ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN, ALL BUT EQUALS BEFORE HIM.
-- Adam Joseph Theologist
(OOC Note: Writing this letter was rolled for, please react IC according to the dice, regardless of whether the writing above reflects this level: