(News graphic & background designed by Nysie)
TerraTech - Fulton Labs Opening in Warrenton, VA
was broken yesterday on the massive After being purchased earlier this year by the European Environmental research company, Garvash-Mavorsag of Budapest, Fulton labs reopened its doors and rehired one full research department. Now, a few months later, the Company is apparently booming with potential contracts and a massive expansion on the 7.5 acre plot is underway set to be completed by winter of 2008. Plans for the new facilities include two stories and two basement levels, over 20 labs, engineering development project areas, storage modules, an infirmary, a cafeteria and even limited on-site housing. Fulton Labs will begin preliminary hiring as of April 2008 and estimates by completion of construction in 2008 the new facilities will be providing over 200 full-time research positions and an estimated 600 various full time support and administrative staff. When asked for comment, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Neil O. Albert responded positively, stating, “In the Age of corporate downsizing and outsourcing, it is imperative that new industry be brought into the area, especially industry which gives our well-educated and motivated work force a chance to use their hard earned degrees.” Garvash-Mavorsag made the international news eight years ago when it was granted a forty-five year contract with the United Nations Environmental Council and the Ukrainian Government for the clean up of the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster. It remains to be seen how the Environmental Research company will do in the land where Superfund law is king, but the prospects are looking green all around.
Hidden Camera Shows GWU Student Putting Swastikas On Own Door
New SE Medical Clinic, Youth Center, Park Proposed
The breath-taking proposal was met with tentative hope by some, and strong skepticism by others. The Council is eagerly negotiating a thirty-year non-profit lease with the 501(c)(3) arm of the corporation. TerraTech has been known for minor charitable acts in the past but nothing previous of this magnitude. Plans include an affordable Medical Clinic with six examination rooms, an emergency ward, and even therapeutic equipment for minor medical ailments that many in this poverty stricken area would find too costly to treat otherwise. The Youth Center is intended to provide a neutral and safe location for the local youth to participate in various sports such as basketball and boxing. The addition of the Community Garden would provide incentive to inspire further community rehabilitation, and foster more socializing and local pride. Garick Price, the head of TerraTech's Public Relations Department stated that "The garden will have to be maintained by the people in the community, all we [TerraTech] are going to provide is the equipment needed to make that happen. If the garden flourishes, it will be the community's doing; so, too, if it fails." The decision to throw down a gauntlet to the very population they are attempting to aid may appear contradictory of purpose, but many of the local community leaders have actually responded more positively to the challenge then any other aspect of the plan. According to Rev. Ekson of the N Street Baptist Church, the garden "will give us what we need... not charity, but a chance. A chance to make ourselves proud with our own hands." Staffing of the facility will be purely voluntary but already several medical practices around the city have pledged at least some pro bono support, offering their doctors time and much needed expertise. Only time will tell if the clinic will make any kind of impact epidemic health issues of the SE side but for now, TerraTech is willing to give it and the needy, the proverbial shot.
Washington Star-News Advice Columnist Monica Garrett Murdered; Boyfriend Suspected
According to neighbors, she'd always kept to herself and was a quiet, pleasant neighbor in the apartment complex near Georgetown University. Police officers were shocked to find Ms. Garrett's naked mutilated body in her apartment bedroom, after co-workers at the Washington Star-News notified them that she'd been missing for several days and they were concerned. Ms. Garrett was well liked, though co-workers had commented on her health in recent weeks, stating that she looked like she wasn't sleeping or eating. Rumors also circulated that Ms. Garrett's boyfriend, who co-workers only identified as "Flint," may have been abusing her, though like most domestic violence cases, Ms. Garrett denied it. Police are looking for this man, but do not have a description or photo. The D.C. Coroner's office has yet to release the official case of death. but officers on the scene have said that Garrett was definitely beaten and then murdered, and the Criminalist Dept has yet to comment as to whether or not Ms. Garrett might have also been sexually assaulted. Police are asking for anyone with information on this case to please call your Local Law Enforcement offices. The Washington Star-News will be holding a memorial in Ms. Garrett's honor on Saturday, March 15th, 2008 at 2pm at Memorial Gardens. We send out our deepest sympathies to Ms. Garrett's family and friends. Her advice column will not be resurrected at this time.
DCPD Officer Retires, Then Disappears
The night of his Retirement Banquet came and Officer Hale could not be found. His wife and daughter said he'd gone on a fishing trip with a friend two days before and had not returned. None of Officer Hale's friends or co workers know with whom he would have gone out fishing. Officer Hale is now considered a missing person. Police are asking for anyone with information on this case to please call your Local Law Enforcement offices.
Rock Creek Park Ranger Dead After Gun Accident
NORTHWEST WASHINGTON, DC -- DCPD Criminalists Department was
summoned to Rock Creek Park late Friday night to a grisly
scene. Park Final reports by the Coroner's Office were still pending at the time of print but Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Jordan Forrester, says that she doesn't feel this was an attempted suicide but more likely an accidentally discharge of a loaded weapon, "... due to the way the shot was fired into his skull and the trajectory of the bullet." DCPD are still not sure what Ranger Simms was shooting at in the dead of night and had no comment on the scene of the crime or what they think might have happen there.
FASHION MODELS NEEDED: Fashion show @ GWU. Both Men and Women needed, age range 18 to 25. Amateurs will be considered. Models selected will be compensated for their time. Call (202) 555-3114 (OOC Email TRENTON for information.)
Slain Student Remembered as "Angel" at Vigil
Rural Nevadans Begin Cleanup After Freak Earthquake
WELLS, Nevada (AP) -- A powerful
Fresh Violence in Kosovo Serb Protests
"Girl" At School Was 39-year-old Man
TOKYO, JAPAN (Reuters) - A Japanese man
was arrested for trespassing this week after turning up at a
The Entrepreneurial Spirit -- Graveside Table For Two
No one is certain who was buried under the restaurant, but Indians aren't much spooked by the experience. Said a retired professor: "Graveyards in India are never scary places. We don't have a nice literature of horror stories, so we don't have much fear of ghosts." The restaurant's main concern is that waiters know the floor plan and don't trip over the ankle-high monuments.
Entertainment and Gossip From regular columnist Kitty Whittier
Music Fans Outcry Over Loki's Proposal to Local Law Student
Entertainment News) - Goth Rock fans around the
Loki and Ms Duckworth had been frequently seen in public together as a couple; including escapades to New York to get tattoos together (no, they are not matching), but fans did not know the seriousness of the relationship until what is now being called the "Proposal Concert"- a stunt during Dark Asgard's Halloween Masquerade Ball that some fans thought was for publicity solely until a source leaked that the two actually are a couple and planning their upcoming nuptials. YouTube was flooded by zealous fans begging in homemade videos for him to propose to them instead, and blogging sites like LiveJournal, MySpace and Blogger went haywire with outcries from his fans. No date has been set and Loki's publicist was unable to be reached for comment.
New Heir To The Throne? Duchess Has First Child With Professor Husband
(People.com) - Musician Amelia Wentworth, known as the Duchess to her fans, shocked quite a few last year when she married D.C. bookstore owner and professor Eriond Tekenduis in London during the Christmas season. Shortly after the "Fairy Tale Wedding" at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, fans found out that the newly crowned Mrs. Tekenduis was expecting, leading to rumors that she and the Professor got married only because of the baby on the way. Both Amelia and her husband Eriond deny that had anything to do with their often seen as "whirlwind" courtship and marriage. The Duchess and the Professor welcomed their son, Simon Edward Wentworth-Price, sometime in early November sources say, though the exact date of his birth seems to be unknown at this time. Amelia is reported to have given birth at the posh new "Gentle Beginnings" water-birthing practice in D.C. with an unnamed blonde woman by her side. The Father was not present for the birth. Mother and child are reported to be doing well and rumors have begun to circulate that the Duchess will be releasing a new album in Fall 2008.