(News graphic & background designed by Nysie)
Amongst the recent changes, the Youth Ward has hired a Dance Therapist, Ms. Jezebel Neveu, Master of Arts in Dance Therapy, University of Maryland College Park. Dance Movement Therapy was pioneered at St. Elizabeth's back in the 1940s, and is based on the premise that the body and mind are linked, and that some more subtle irregularities with one can lead to diagnoses of the other. In contrast to artistic dance, which is usually concerned with the aesthetic appearance of movement and artistic excellence of the final product as media, dance therapy explores the nature of all movement. Through observing and altering the kinesthetic movements of a client, dance movement therapists diagnose and help solve various psychological problems. Ms. Neveu will be working with psychologically troubled in-patient teens, coordinating various modern popular dance exercises as part of their weekly therapy. She is originally from Durham, North Carolina, and currently resides in Point of Rocks, Maryland.
Presidents Day Does Not Exist!
WASHINGTON, DC -- Presidents Day (or
President's Day), is a commonly used, but erroneous, name for the
federal holiday officially
Federal holidays apply only to the federal
government and the District of Columbia;
Congress has never declared a national holiday binding in all states and
each state decides its own legal holidays.
In Washington's home state of Virginia the
holiday is legally known as "George Washington Day."
SOUTHEAST DC -- DCPD, working in conjunction with a team from the DEA, has succeeded in cleaning up the new designer drug "Little Death" from the city of Washington. Police reports indicate that, aside from missing patients Stuart Dixon and Hank Bukalski still being at large, there is no further new evidence of the drug being sold, new victims being admitted to local hospitals, nor activity near the warehouse in Southeast originally suspected to be connected to it, but later gutted in a local SWAT exercise. Officers hesitantly say that they believe the menace has been contained and removed. Police continue to state that if anyone locates Dixon or Bukalski, please do not approach them. Call 911. DCPD is requesting anyone with information to please contact them as soon as possible at Crime Stoppers (202) 555-1000. The District of Columbia Department of Health Services has completed its investigation of procedures at St. Elizabeth's for any non-compliance or irregularities, and filed its findings with the Board of Health. The Hospital will continue to remain open and in service to the community.
Richard "Skip" Davis, Local Attorney, 57
and Davis founding partner, Richard
"Skip" Davis, 57, died of complications following
a In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Skip Davis Memorial Endowed Chair in Law at the George Washington University Foundation.
Davis served in the Army during
the Vietnam War, and was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal. He was also a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
Visitation and viewing will be
held at Woodlawn Country Club in Washington. A Mass of
Christian Burial will be celebrated at the Fort Myer
Memorial Chapel, Fort Myer, VA on Tuesday, at 8:45 a.m.
Interment with Full Military Honors at Arlington National
Cemetery. There may he rest in peace with his heroic
American comrades.
CHA-CHING! The Modern Sound of Romance
But, does that mean there is more love in
the air than years past? No, experts said. Consumers are just more
willing to spend. The reasons vary from having more disposable income to
social pressure to prove how much someone cares via gifts and fancy
'Vampires' take bite of woman's savings!
From regular columnist Kitty Whittier
Welcome back, my pretties. Seems all's quiet on the Eastern front, for the most part, a change of pace for this high-stepping town, but perhaps this will give me time to run out and purchase some last minute valentines.
I've got a confession to make, gentle readers. Yours truly has a guilty pleasure of late, secretly behind closed doors, in her slinky things and robe, indulging in the Jerry Springer of UFO Chasers, Nyx's Call-in show, Midnight Dreams, on WBDE 93.1 The Blade, with the good shhh... If you haven't had a chance to catch this act yet, it's Wednesday nights at midnight, with a repeat show on Saturday afternoons at 4:00. Scully and Mulder couldn't be more proud of our intrepid investigator, weeding through the nut jobs in search of that one pearl of supernatural truth. The show clearly targets the collegiate and Gen Y audience but there's a homegrown sincerity to it that is compelling. Calls range from phobias and strange phenomena to conspiracy theories and cover-ups. Reminds me a bit of the Men in Black getting their leads from the Enquirer, but who knows? Maybe the kid is onto something. And ladies, rumor has it he's actually single, and cute in that sort of Ashton Kutcher, rumpled, take him home and make him metrosexual, kind of way. Makes you almost forget all about that unpleasant little happening on the Ghost Tour back in October '06...
From cover-ups, to uncovering things, let's take a page from the Double Lives section for our next topic. Seems that recently appointed Saint Lizzie's dance therapist Bell Neveu was, until just this month, providing sexual healing for a much older demographic down in Midtown at a Gentleman's (and I use the term loosely, naturellement) Club called Camelot. Not that I suppose there is anything wrong with this in principle; I've been told the dancers there can make respectable money. Some of my Y-chromosomed sources tell me that Miz Neveu's bye-bye performance was not your usual fare at a pole danceteria. There were four numbers she presented, in a package performance entitled, "The Evolution of Man." No, I've been told this is not typical. The first number was some manner of Tron-like futuristic rave number to the song, "Stainless Steel Providers" by the Revolting Cocks (I guess all the good band names are finally used up.) The second act, in between one of the regular remaining dancers, was an S&M paean to the James Spader movie, "Secretary," done to "Corporate Slave" by Snog. Clearly this is a presentation that resonates with Washingtonians. The third act was a sort of "Memoirs of a Geisha" number done to "Big in Japan" by Alphaville (thank God someone asked the bouncer for a set list; I have never heard of these songs!), which involved the use of sickle-like weapons called Kamas. And last but not least, the final number was a very primal, primitive dance, done to "The Wild Boys" by Duran Duran, and involved this sort of beachy fire spinning that I am told is called "poi pots." Fascinating that Neveu would imply that man was evolving from the technological up to the basic and primitive. I imagine the message was far too esoteric for the T&A crowd, but then again this is likely why the career change. I hear this display was apparently impressive enough to command the illustrious Loki in the audience that night. He even tipped. I just hope there aren't any troubled young men acting up on purpose in hopes of being assigned to her classes.
Until next time, pets... Meow.
ADVICE COLUMN: Monica Garrett
Dear Monica,