Blackout Leaves Many Questions Unanswered; Devastation In Its Wake - WASHINGTON, DC
— The
capital continues to clean up and recover what it can, after the most
destructive disaster to befall an American city in decades, if not
almost a century, leaves in its wake damage felt round the world in ways
that make September 11th pale in comparison.
Even a month after the terrible
tragedy, Utility companies and police have no further information on the
cause, which has been the source of great consternation amongst the
public and media, hungry for answers.
Earlier rumors of connections to a
religious sect called
the Church of Abaddon Ascendant
have been dismissed now, but no better theories have surfaced to replace
them either. Mayor Anthony Williams has vehemently maintained that the
Church is not connected to the Blackouts and law enforcement personnel
should cease and desist any further harassment of the group. Phone calls
to the only listed number for the group continue to go unanswered.
Banks and Government buildings have reopened, but many are short
staffed. DC Public Schools are extending the school year into July, as
voted in by the School Board in an emergency meeting held last week.
Some universities are simply declaring the Fall Semester a "Freebie",
giving students a simple passing grade and making plans to restart in
the Spring Semester.
Financial institutions are still working overtime to correct the massive
fluctuations the event caused in the world markets. Many local
businesses were destroyed, literally and or financially, by the
consequences of the blackout.
staff of the U.S. Parks Department report that in addition to prior
locations throughout Washington that appear to have been mysteriously
"cleaned up," that now apparently right under their noses, the mystery
ecologists have sanitized and restored the waters of the Reflecting Pool
on The Mall. No explanation for the rash of mystery "cleanings" has been
found as of yet.
The President of Georgetown
made an announcement last week, after which nearly every University and
several private schools followed suit. Georgetown has decided that far
too much disruption was incurred by the Blackouts, and has granted those
students who did not withdraw already, a passing grade in every class
for the Fall Semester, to remove the pressure of finals with so much
going on in everyone's lives. Students who already left may be granted
the same status if they contact the Ombudsman's Office before the end of
term. Students who are officially considered missing will have their
transcripts held pending a decision by the Board of Trustees on the
matter. Deceased students, as has been Georgetown's tradition, will be
granted a degree posthumously, presented to the next-of-kin.
Classes will resume as normal in January.
Washington Post Staff Writer
is maintaining a local ongoing database of the dead and missing after
the Blackout of October 2004. The very fact that there are still bodies
and other finds being discovered on the sites from September 11th, 2001
only goes to prove the overwhelming need for such a central
clearinghouse of information for years to come.
As a public service, the Post has been logging Missing Persons Reports
and will post random selections from the pool in the next several
issues, hoping to reunite the displaced and missing with loved ones.
[DCPD Reports On File]

Jamie "DJ
Mini-Me" Coxwell - Georgetown |

"Chastity Foxxx" Fox - NE |

Michael "Osrel"
Gallentine - NW |

Abraham Goldman - NW |

"Blade" Jefferson - SE |

"Sultan Homicide" Oakley - SE |
[OOC NOTE: If you
intend to follow up on any of these missing characters IC, please see
Icey immediately]
Blackout Turns The Light
Off for Four Rising Stars - SOUTHEAST --
VHHV, an
increasingly popular, enigmatic gothic industrial band from New York,
that was scheduled to open for Disturbed at Web of Night in early
November, is now counted among the casualties taken by the recent
band, having just arrived in Washington by bus, was en route to The Web
to prepare for their performance opening for Disturbed here in the
Nation's Capital, when the blackout fell over the city. Upon reaching an
intersection in Southeast, coming off 295, the band's tour bus was
broadsided by a tractor trailer who was unable to see the bus clearly in
time due to the lack of street lighting anywhere in the area.
The bus driver, Ryan
McDonald (43), drummer Joseph McGuire (30), and keyboardist Nicole
Hammel (30) were killed instantly in the crash. Vocalist and guitarist
Sarah Ravenscraft (24) and bassist Scott Gravens (32) were rushed to DC
General, where Gravens later died of internal injuries. Ravenscraft was
kept for observation, then released. The driver of the truck, 27 year
old Mack Rexrode of Shenandoah, Virginia, remains in a coma at DC
General, and the prognosis that he will recover is guarded at best.
Miss Ravenscraft was
unavailable for comment, however, the band's new general manager,
William Sprinks, spoke to the press on the Band's behalf, saying "She [Ravenscraft]
spoke with me earlier, and had already been talking about moving here to
Washington. Sarah is rather shaken up over the accident, but is already
bravely talking about moving on and looking for a new band. She's a
strong girl and won't be down long. She was the legacy of what VHHV was,
to live on, and be part of the history of something reborn from this
great loss."
As the human and
financial costs grow in the aftermath of the Great Blackout of 2004,
which some now call Black November, it's difficult to understand why it
all happened. However, when tragedy strikes for people with a full life
still ahead of them, like the members of VHHV, it adds a more poignant
tinge to the losses, as for many it feels as if it takes all that
hope with them. We can only hope that, like the thousands of others
rebuilding their lives now, Washington opens its arms for Sarah
Ravenscraft and her new musical endeavors, and that she continues to
entertain its people in return as she so loved to do with VHHV.
Baffled by New York ‘Sea Monster’ |
YORK CITY, NEW YORK — Previous reports of the
“monster” seen in the East River might not have been out
of line. CDC agents report that biological detritus left
in the monster’s wake consisted of a never-before-seen
amalgam of necrotic flesh and fungus, in addition to an
amount of as-yet-unspecified bio-matter. |
Explosion Reveals Hundreds of Bodies in Michigan Factory |
IRON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN — Local and national media
today descended on the wreckage of the Iron Rapids
Manufacturing plant after a series of explosions rocked
the depressed steel belt town last night. Rows and rows
of bodies, all with wooden stakes driven through their
hearts, were found in a variety of windowless rooms,
sources say. Law enforcement sealed off the area after
one Detroit-area station broadcast footage of several of
these corpses coming to life when the stakes were
removed. Local resident Douglas Sands, arrested at the
scene, screamed, “I got them, Faye!” to the cameras
before being dragged away, apparently referring to his
wife, abducted from their home last March and never
found. |
New England Town in Grip of Fanatics |
Temple Corner, Maine — According to the few
residents who
to escape, the small town of Temple Corner, Maine has
been invaded by a religious extremists. This nameless
group reportedly serves a woman named “Zhyzhak, Chosen
of Green Dragon” and uses a wild dogs and wolves in its
rites. One escapee reported that many villagers had been
fed to these apparently rabid animals. He also said he
was given a message from the enigmatic Zhyzhak, one
destined for a certain “Albrecht.” |
Strange Airship Broadcasts Enigmatic Warning to Paris |
massive metal Zeppelin appeared above the city this morning,
transmitting messages to every radio, television and
computer screen in the region from a man calling himself
“Czar Vargo, Master of the World.” In what he claimed was
his “final message,” Vargo offered emigration to a new world
of technological wonders for those who accepted his terms.
“You denied my overtures for peace at the beginning of the
last century. Now is your last chance. Accept universal
brotherhood and join our hidden Utopia. Reject it, and you
reap the ruin of your own unreason.” |
Italian Cultists Claim Responsibility for Kidnappings |
SICILY — Members of the cult calling itself the Society
of the Nascent Flood today claimed credit for a mass
kidnapping, claiming that those abducted would be used to
feed the thirsts of their undead masters. |
Japanese team discovers
3,500-year-old mummy in Egypt - TOKYO (AFP) -
A Japanese research team has found "a
perfect mummy" in an undisturbed Egyptian tomb believed to be more than
3,500 years old, the team's leader said.
mummy was in a sealed wooden coffin unearthed in the archeological site
of Dahshur North in northern Egypt, said Sakuji Yoshimura, who headed
the team from Tokyo's Waseda University.
The mummified man was believed to be from a period 3,500-4,000 years
ago, older than the era of Tutankhamen, the pharaoh of ancient Egypt who
ruled in 1336-1327 BC, Yoshimura said, citing characteristics of the
The mummy, wearing a mask painted blue and red that still retained vivid
shades, was of high academic value as it was "a perfect mummy that has
escaped robbery and other damage," he said on his website late Friday.
The coffin was painted yellow and inscribed with hieroglyphics in light
blue, he said, adding the hieroglyphics showed the mummified man was an
administrative officer.
We are pleased to report that several popular venues in Washington have
begun to come back to life, after weeks of cleaning up and restocking
following the blackout.
The first to rise up from the destruction, true to its nature as the
Mecca of dreams and fantasies, was The Phantasm. Soon after were Bryan's
Black Iron, and At Your Service Conciergerie in Northwest.
We anticipate that the Web, Rabble, Cap Hill and Bound should all be
opening in another week or two.
NEWS: Prior to the blackout, Loki and 1200 Murdered Brothers had
been collaborating on a set of new Anti-Drug PSA's to be released this
Spring on DC Radio and TV stations. Those plans have been put on hold
now until further notice, pending dealing with personal losses suffered
in the blackout, and the fact that front-man Kareem Oakley is one of the

ABOUT TIME (AND MONEY): Prior to the disaster, sources say that one
Raine Drouven and Meghan Ambrose were out and about town shopping for
shiny treasures - the gold and diamond rings kind. Clearly they've
weathered the Rape Trial That Almost Was... Stay tuned to see if she
goes through with it this time, though, or if we have Runaway Bride III
in the works.
ROCKS ARE ROLLING: Box O' Rocks and the Fairfield entourage made
tracks for London during the blackout, and have decided to remain there
to work on a new deal offered to them by Virgin Records (ironic, no?).
The band has rented a large flat West of town and settled in nicely
across the pond.