-- TerraTech CEO Vander Soulridge has
capitalized on the success of his popular waterfront club in Annapolis,
New Eden, by expanding to Washington, DC.
The three-story McPherson Square location held a Grand Opening a week earlier than
anticipated, welcoming a respectable crowd of upscale patrons from
several arenas within the city. It is located on the north side of
McPherson Square, about seven blocks north of the White House.
The new Art Deco-inspired club has many
design similarities in theme to the Annapolis Club, but is located downtown
instead of on the waterfront as it is in Maryland.
The main entrance faces McPherson square
with the jauntily scripted "New Eden" name shining a steady Neon Green
over the large, ornate double doors
As with the previous
club, there are three levels: Eden Ascending, a VIP level themed with
heavenly-inspired decor; a dual-level main restaurant for the general public
with stonework floors,
and Eden Descending, a smaller, more intimate basement club with a
contrasting sort of "depths of hell"
The atmosphere of the nightclub is surreal
and unusually enticing. Everything in there just simply seems to be
"more", an Aristotelian pinnacle version of itself, from the art to the
tableware to the music, to the appearance of the patrons, to even the
spigots in the restrooms.
On the main floor, there is a small cabaret
area where there is live music. Sometimes there is an in-house lounge
pianist; in the future, Soulridge hopes to showcase several local
talents currently under negotiation.
VIP access passes are available by
contacting the maître d'hôtel.
Carlyle House Haunted House Tour Sponsored by WBDE 93.1 FM
VA -- WBDE Radio's new annual tradition
of giving a group Ghost Tour at a local venue of note, continued this
year with a
costumed guided tour of the John Carlyle
House in Alexandria.
The historic Carlyle House was completed in 1753 by Scottish merchant
John Carlyle for his bride, Sarah Fairfax of Belvoir, member of one of
the most prestigious families in colonial Virginia. Their home quickly
became a center of social and political life in Alexandria and gained a
foothold in history when British General Braddock made the mansion his
headquarters in 1755. Braddock summoned five colonial governors to meet
there to plan the early campaigns of the French and Indian War.
On the National Register of Historic Places, Carlyle House is
architecturally unique in Alexandria as the only stone, 18th-century
Palladian-style house. It is situated on North Fairfax St. between
Cameron and King Streets.
A large number of well-known local faces
were said to be in attendance, though being in costume it was difficult
to determine identities.
Attendees were greeted in the foyer with
refreshments, including apple and pumpkin snacks. Large swags of black
mourning cloth were draped over the front entrance and family coat of
arms outside. The central entry hall – normally used for joyous dancing
and entertaining, is lined with Windsor chairs and bereavement bands, as
well as the banquet tables set up with the food.
in somber, plain Colonial attire offered period treats to the guests,
and showed them brief glimpses of the special decor throughout the
entrance area. In Colonial America mourning had not taken on the
significance it did in the later Victorian era. There was no special
clothing worn, no books which outlined mourning customs, and no
elaborate meals and wakes provided. At the death of a family member the
family buried them simply and without a lot of ceremony. The wearing of
black, however, is a custom that has been put into practice for
centuries. It dates back to the time when Death was feared by the living
and wearing black was thought to make mourners as inconspicuous as
possible so that Death would not claim
as its next victim.
DJ Nyx of WBDE played "John Carlyle", the
host for the evening. Attendees were asked to pair up with a partner.
Each team received two disposable cameras, an EMF meter, and a tape
recorder for Electronic Voice Phenomena. The radio station filmed the
tour live, and installed web cameras for home listeners who could view
the tour on the WBDE web site.
"Mr. Carlyle" took the Tour into the Blue
Room. "This room is named the Blue Room, and if you can't guess why,
there is no hope for you. We begin here. The Congress of Alexandria at
the time of the French and Indian Wars met in this very room. It was
here, that General Braddock decided, against Washington's advice, to
make that disastrous expedition to Fort Duquesne." He then took on a bit
of his persona in earnest. "I had little care when I was told by
young George Washington, returning from the wilds of western
Pennsylvania, that the boorish Braddock had been killed in an ambush.
Shall we continue?" Several attendees had been commenting on the feeling
that they were already experiencing the presence of something in the
house other than what the tour was showcasing.
The group made its way towards the dining
room, where "many dinner parties were held for the height of society in
Colonial times. Mr. Carlyle himself was not terribly important to the
Colonial or Revolutionary cause, but he was none the less influential,
and rubbed elbows with the best of the best."
"Carlyle" stepped off to the side for a
moment to let the people see the Casket and slave set up. "Mr. Carlyle
died in 1780, and here we can see how his passing must have affected
everyone, including his slaves."
"A little history on the home itself: this
huge stone house was soon sold out of the family after his death, and by
the mid 19th century a large wooden hotel had completely obliterated the
Carlyle homestead from public view and memory. Luckily during urban
renewal, over 120 years later, the stone house was rediscovered and its
architectural riches and historical importance, thanks to 20 plus
letters from John Carlyle to his brother, George, in England, once again
making Carlyle House an address of prominence in Alexandria." The group
further commented on their equipment showing invisible reactions to
their presence.
continued, "The kitchen, just on the other side of that wall," as he
gestures, "is probably one of the least interesting places in the entire
home. From here, we ill make our way out to the gardens." He walked out
into the lovely restored gardens out back, and adds, "It is said, late
at night, a woman can be heard singing here. I suspect it might be Sarah
Fairfax herself."
Around this time, several attendees reported
being bothered by a ghostly figure, and strange sounds coming from
random areas of the house. The staff escort the guests on to the Wine
Cellar. By this time several of them are on edge, and there have been
multiple visual and aural phenomena recorded during the tour. The Tour
ended in a great deal of chaos and confusion. Whether or not the
sightings were anything paranormal, the attendees were too spooked by
the presentation to remain, and started to leave the building, some
seeming quite frightened.
As with last year's Ghost Cruise, WBDE and
the hosting venue have no comment on the events that took place.
Next year's Ghost Tour venue has not yet
been announced.
The 2007 edition of the Dark Asgard
Halloween Masquerade Ball took place on Halloween evening, to a crowded
house, and met with great success. Not only were costumes a must, but
the venue itself was also “dressed up”; stage dressings had been erected
upon the walls to make the interior seem like the inside of a medieval
Loki, was present, mingling with the guests, with regular companion
Felicity Duckworth hanging from his arm. The couple had donned Bonnie
and Clyde costumes, which according to inside sources, were totally
vintage; the only modern accessories were the plastic water pistols, a
concession to local gun replica laws.
The opening act was newcomer Ivy League, fronted by guitarist Ivy, a striking
young woman that wore an outfit reminiscent of a dryad, but with modern
touches. She wore a black skirt in a very heavy material, with what
looks like belts crisscrossing the front of it. Panels between the belts
were missing here and there so that you can see glimpses of ivy-tattoo
covered legs. She also wore a stiff, black corset. Her hair was dyed a
bright blue, and sticking up from her head in spikes
Her musical set started with a furious “riot grrrl” feminist
punk song; while the rest of the performance featured a mixture of calm,
more goth-moody pieces and a few more punk-fueled tunes, including a
cover of a Jack Off Jill song.
After Ivy League's set was done, Loki
climbed back up on stage to join them, to an enthusiastic reception.
Ivy and her band remained on stage, as she
joined Loki in performing one of his classics, “Je Rêve De Son Touche”
(“I Dream of Her Touch”), a goth ballad from his first album. The female
vocals of this opus, performed that night by Ivy, were originally
performed by Loki’s former lover and mentor Marianne Sers. When the
couple broke up a couple years ago, fans thought they might never heard
this song performed again.
When that song ended, Loki returned the
favor by playing and singing his rendition of one of Ivy’s songs, a more
punk offering than his usual.
However, he took well to the song, punk
being a musical style that Loki used to favor in his teen years. He
performed several more songs on both guitar and keyboards, including
premiering two new tracks that will be part of his long-awaited return
to the recording studio.
Despite the crowd's warm reception, this was
not the pinnacle of the evening. Once his last song was done, Loki asked
his girlfriend, Felicity, to approach the stage, and the substantial
crowd hushed and murmured as he knelt, producing a small box from his
pocket. He opened it, revealing a vintage engagement ring with
rubies and diamonds arranged in a flower pattern; and asked Duckworth in
front of the entire audience, “Would you marry me?" Duckworth was
handed a microphone, and prompted to reply to the crowd. She accepted.
Loki dramatically jumped off the stage; sliding the ring onto his
fiancée’s finger. A deep kiss sealed the deal, and the crowd cheered.
The couple made their rounds through the
club, receiving congratulations, after which Duckworth retired
early from the party.
Loki remained behind with a few friends, and
a third, unannounced musical act was spontaneously offered: a solo
performance by an unidentified young Asian-featured man, who, now half out of
costume, climbed on stage with Ivy’s guitar and Loki's blessing, played
a soft Japanese ballad later identified as Hyde’s “Evergreen”.
After that point, the party seemed to wind down without incident.
Blair Promoted At Boeing
Walter F. Blair has been promoted to
president of Boeing Capital Corporation, a wholly owned Boeing
subsidiary that is primarily responsible for arranging, structuring and
providing financing for Boeing's commercial airplane, and space and
Prior to accepting this assignment, he served as senior vice president
of Finance and treasurer of The Boeing Company. He was responsible for
corporate finance and banking, trust investments, global treasury
operations, corporate development, risk management, financial planning
and analysis, and investor relations.
Blair came to Boeing in 1999 from Lockheed Martin Corp., where he served
as vice president and treasurer. He was elected to this position in
March 1995 upon the merger of Lockheed Corp. and Martin Marietta Corp.
and developed the new treasury organization. Blair previously served as
vice president and treasurer, and vice president of Investor Relations
at Lockheed, which he joined in 1990. In addition, he served from 1987
to 1990 as a part-time instructor of corporate finance and investor
relations at Northeastern University Graduate School of Business
Administration. Prior to joining Lockheed, he served in a number of
finance positions at NSTAR Corporation.
A Phi Kappa Phi graduate, Blair earned his bachelor's degree in
electrical engineering from Northeastern University in Boston. He
interned with and was sponsored into the Power Systems program by the
General Electric Company. He earned his master of business
administration degree in corporate finance from Boston University.
Blair is a former director of the National Investor Relations Institute
(NIRI) and in 1989 served as its chairman and chief executive officer.
He is a member of the Financial Executives Institute and currently
serves on the board of directors of the Private Export Funding
Corporation (PEFCO).
He also serves or has served on numerous charitable and cultural boards,
including The Seattle Opera, both the Chicago and National Symphony
Orchestras, Boston's Metropolitan Family Services, National City
Christian Church's Homeless Ministry, Washington D.C.'s Boy Scouts of
America, and Los Angeles' Greater YMCA.
Born Oct. 29, 1960, in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Blair resides with his
wife, Georgette, in Clifton, Virginia. They have two grown sons, Gregory and Nathan,
who also reside in the Washington area.
Growth: 15th Largest Government Contractor 2006, 2nd Largest in 2007
Lines of business: Precision engagement and mobility systems, network
and space systems, support systems
Major customers: Homeland Security Department, Defense Department,
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, NASA, Army, Air Force and
Marine Corps
Major contracts/projects: Boeing was tapped to begin development and
deployment of the Secure Border Initiative Network, a multi-billion
dollar program to secure U.S. land borders with Canada and Mexico.
Four locations in Arlington, and one in Springfield, with a satellite
office in the Dulles Technology Corridor.
Former pilots, officials call for UFO probe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic
U.S. presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich may have been ridiculed for
saying he had seen a UFO, but for some former military pilots and other
observers, unidentified flying objects are no laughing matter.
An international panel of two dozen former pilots and government
officials called on the U.S. government Monday to reopen its
generation-old UFO investigation as a matter of safety and security
given continuing reports about flying discs, glowing spheres and other
strange sightings.
"Especially after the attacks of 9/11, it is no longer satisfactory to
ignore radar returns ... which cannot be associated with performances of
existing aircraft and helicopters," they said in a statement released at
a news conference.
The panelists from seven countries, including former senior military
officers, said they had each seen a UFO or conducted an official
investigation into UFO phenomena.
The subject of UFOs grabbed the spotlight in the U.S. presidential race
last month when Kucinich, a member of Congress from Ohio, said during a
televised debate with other Democratic candidates that he had seen one.
Former presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter are both reported to
have claimed UFO sightings.
Most turn out to be misidentified aircraft, satellites or meteors. A
panelist who once worked for Britain's Ministry of Defense said 5
percent of incidents cannot be explained. But the sightings are often
dismissed by authorities without proper investigations, UFO activists
"It's a question of who you going to believe: your lying eyes or the
government?" remarked John Callahan, a former Federal Aviation
Administration investigator, who said the CIA in 1987 tried to hush up
the sighting of a huge lighted ball four times the size of a jumbo jet
in Alaska.
The panel, organized by a group dedicated to winning credibility for the
study of UFOs, urged Washington to resume UFO investigations through the
U.S. Air Force or NASA. "It would certainly, I think, take a lot of
angst out of this issue," said former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, who
said he was among hundreds who saw a delta-shaped craft with enormous
lights silently traverse the sky near Phoenix in 1997.
The Air Force investigated 12,618 UFO reports from 1947 to 1969 in what
was known as Project Blue Book. Investigators concluded that the
incidents posed no threat and there was no evidence of space aliens or a
super technology in operation. "Since the termination of Project Blue
Book, nothing has occurred that would support a resumption of UFO
investigations," the Air Force said on its Web site.
© Reuters. All rights reserved.
-- A police report
was made following an altercation between dance therapist
Bell Neveu and Ivy League drummer Azazel inside a BDSM
nightclub in Northeast called Bound. Neveu, a known regular
at the club, was seen talking with WBDE's Midnight Dreams
host DJ Nyx at a table, when Azazel approached the pair and
made some conversation. He then departed.
A few minutes later, Azazel got
into a confrontation
an unidentified patron who apparently roughly knocked into
him. Immediately afterwards, Neveu left her table angrily
and approached Azazel, berating him loudly and publically
for several minutes, until bouncers escorted her outside,
where several minutes later, Azazel, Nyx and others
followed. No further incidents occurred outside the club.
No one was actually injured and
no charges were actually filed, but a report was made of the
It was a year ago this month
that the city started seeing signs of the street drug
"Little Death," which was known to cause a rash of violent,
unexplainable behavior reported throughout the DC Metro
area. There is no reason to suspect a connection at this
time, but a investigation is ongoing.
Music venue Dark Asgard on Half
Street was closed for one day, due to an incident in which a
large rabid dog managed to work its way into the club and
attack several patrons.
Witnesses report a mixed breed
Doberman in poor condition slipped past bouncers and trotted
through the club, jumping up on its hind quarters and
drooling bloody saliva on the floor, then charging patrons.
Someone pulled a fire alarm and club-goers fled for the
exits in a panic. Marshal Ethan Redfeather responded to the
9-1-1 report and attempted to shoot the dog, but the crowd
prevented a clear shot.
The dog raced after a
long-haired blond man, who struggled with it after Marshal
Redfeather fired several shots at it as it ran, that did not
take it down. The unidentified man produced a knife, and
took the dog down by cutting its throat, after which he
disappeared into the crowd. Animal Control found no signs of
the dog's carcass at the scene, but there was a pool of
blackened blood and ashes where it was last seen.
Staff at a local occult
bookstore in Southwest were stunned to discover, stuffed
inside a large opaque Rubbermaid bin, the burned body and
severed but uncharred head of a local former priest, Father
Heinrich Von Hendrick, originally from (former East)
Germany, last seen recently street preaching with a young
woman he picked up here in the United States a few years
ago. The woman, Erin Murphy, it was said he referred to as
his daughter, but she is no actual relation to the priest.
She was last known to be working at a local shop in
Employees of The Final Word
bookshop went out to the back loading dock a few evenings
ago, when the grisly discovery was made, and police were
called in. None of the shop staff are considered suspects or
even persons of interest at this time.
Police have no other suspects,
although the priest was said to have been excommunicated by
the Catholic Church some years back for heretical preaching,
which he had frequently been seen doing around the city of
late, sometimes with Ms. Murphy in attendance, witnesses
An investigation is ongoing.
SOUTHWEST - Several homeless or
mentally unstable Vietnam War Veterans who habitually are
tolerated by Park Police as they sleep on the grounds of the
Vietnam Memorial, lodged a complaint about a minor
disturbance in the evening a few days ago.
college aged or 20-something men appeared to be led by one
in particular who was bald or shaven headed and wearing a
T-Shirt with explicit language on it.
They were seen cavorting between the
Reflecting Pool all the way up to the Vietnam Memorial,
where they were only noteworthy when several of them laid
down at the Memorial near the Vets and snapping photographs
of themselves and their surroundings, causing a bit of a
ruckus. The young men were pointing at various engravings on
the wall, and their supposed leader walked further up the
slope to the top of the row and started snapping pictures of
their antics.
After this, the leader was approached by a
white male in a trench coat, who had a conversation with the
leader and apparently got into an argument which ended with
the second man punching him as his friends dragged him away
from the fight.
Other than a handful of complaints by
homeless Veterans at the site, none of the other parties
involved sought police assistance or filed charges. Nobody
was seriously hurt in the altercation.
Drug Thugs Mug Local Occult Shop
SOUTHWEST -- Two male
assailants, suspected members of local Southeast drug crew Word Up C
Street, were thought to have been the attackers in the vicious
mugging of a local resident several blocks from his shop over Halloween
weekend. The Final Word co-owner Caleb Brown reported to police that he
was parked several blocks from his Southwest curio and bookstore, when
he was grabbed and pulled into an alleyway on his way to the shop.
men, one white, one black, in their teens or early 20's, thin-built, hit
Brown in the head, stunning and incapacitating him. The pair also
cracked his ribs and left him with severe cuts and bruising, and a
The men stole about $250 cash from Brown's wallet, but
did not touch the ATM card or credit cards. That and their attire and
description lead police to suspect possible members of the C Street
crew, as cash is handy for buying weapons and drugs in ways credit cards
cannot be used.
Brown's shop has been ransacked in recent years by a
supposedly unrelated European-accented gentleman who was never
apprehended. Additionally, while still a student at George Washington
University, his dormitory was also burglarized. Police do not have a
motive connecting the incidents to each other at this time, nor do they
have any identified suspects. There is so far no connection between this
and the body of a murdered priest found at the shop last week.
Anyone with leads can call the DCPD Anonymous Tipline.
Dragon Family Gang Tensions Mount
Against MS-13
Arlington, VA -- An unnamed
Asian-American male attacked several
of a local suspected gang tied to MS-13 in Arlington, VA.
Police were called to break up a brawl between several
suspected members of MS-13 and according to bystanders and anonymous
tips, the Dragon Family Asian gang, known for dealing in home break-in
robberies and prostitution, operating in the Glebe Road corridor near
Little Saigon at 7 Corners in Falls Church.
Tensions have been escalating for unexplained reasons
between Hispanic and Asian gangs and crews in the last month. This is
the third similar incident to be reported this month. Gang Task Force
members have no leads at this time.
Mysterious Altercation at Logan
Circle Park
NORTHWEST -- Several motorists
phoned in reports of some odd events at Logan Circle Park, at the
intersection of Rhode Island Avenue, 13th Street NW, Vermont Avenue NW,
and P Street NW.
There were several reports starting at approximately 11
p.m. of 2-3 individuals
standing around the statue in the center of the traffic circle, with a
surveying tripod. DC Department of Transportation confirms that there
was no official crews doing work that late at night at that location.
Reports also stated that at approximately 11:15 p.m., a
young child of late elementary school age and indeterminate gender,
rushed the men from across the park. Witnesses insist that they saw one
of the gentlemen shoot blue lightning out of his arms at the crazed boy,
who was struck by it but kept coming. It was reported that he eventually
was run off and headed into traffic, causing several fender benders as
he disappeared.
An unmarked van then pulled up and removed the tripod and
one of the men, the other two walking off before police could respond.
Police have no suspects, nor any explanation for the
fantastical reports except to theorize that there was a downed power
line in the park or else that one of the gentlemen may have illegally
possessed a stun gun and fired it at the child.
A report just a half hour later stated that vandals
destroyed a power transformer box just two blocks away at the Vermont
Gables apartment buildings off 13th street NW. Residents reported a
brownout, and the superintendent investigated the power controls in the
building, discovering the tampering and reporting it.
Anyone with leads in this case can report them to the
Tipster's Hotline.
Parkinson's Sufferer's Mysterious Gift
Disease Devastates High Achiever But Awakens His Musical
MA -- Ten years ago, 58-year-old Greg
Rice was the picture of success. The father of three was on the
fast-track to the top, with little time for anything but work.
"Worked 80 hours a week sometimes," he told "Primetime Live" co-anchor
Chris Cuomo.
Just when Rice thought he had his life under control, it took a terrible
turn. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, a debilitating
neurological disorder.
Buffeted by the disease and the medications used to treat it, Rice's
movements -- and even his speech -- became frighteningly uneven. "I was
falling over. I couldn't even shave. My writing became terrible," he
Rice tried his best to hide his condition. Two years ago, he retired in
order to spend more time with his young family. He lost almost
everything to the disease. But in return, he got something he never
could have imagined.
One day, while putting together a slideshow of family photos on his home
computer, he realized it was lacking something -- a musical
So he sat down at a piano and wrote one, despite the fact that he had no
formal musical training other than a few childhood piano lessons.
"Something just took over my hands and just played," he said. "I got at
the piano and I started playing chords and scales and this tune came to
me & Then about a month later I wrote another piece, and then I wrote
another piece. And it just kept coming."
Musical Fulfillment
The compositions Rice produced were no simple melodies. He wrote
chorales, waltzes, even a symphony.
it was not an easy process. It took Rice hours at the piano to get his
hands to play what he heard in his head, and then to work a keyboard and
mouse to put those ideas into a computer.
"I can't write by hand anymore and I can't talk very well," Rice said at
the time. "So it's the way I communicate, the way I express myself.
Rice's efforts drew the attention of Max Hobart, conductor of the Boston
Civic Symphony Orchestra. "The seriousness of his music is very
contagious," Hobart said.
Hobart became a mentor to Rice and eventually gave him a chance to have
an orchestra play his music. It's a chance some musicians go a lifetime
"He knows what he wants. He didn't quite know how to do it. When he
first came to me, I could see that he was talented, but untrained,"
Hobart said.
On June 18, 2004, Rice's compositions were performed as part of the
"Concert to End Parkinson's." It raised more than $100,000 for
Parkinson's research.
"It was better than I thought it was going to be," Rice said. "Any
composer, amateur like me or otherwise, it's a thrill when they hear
their music play."
Turning Back
In spite of the amazing musical gift the Parkinson's seems to have given
Rice, he was aware that it had also taken away a lot more.
"I coach baseball. And I'll be hitting infield practice and I'll miss
every third ball. I try to teach them how to run the bases, I'll fall
down," he said.
He said his children had trouble coping with the disease. "It
embarrasses them I guess," he said. He and his wife also separated.
Doctors told Rice his Parkinson's was getting worse, and soon medicine
alone would not be able to help him. They said if he didn't have
surgery, he could wind up in a wheelchair.
But if the Parkinson's was truly the source of his musical gift, doctors
told Rice that surgery to reverse it could take that gift away as well.
Nevertheless, Rice decided to go forward with the surgery. In March, he
underwent a radical procedure called deep brain stimulation.
The procedure involved implanting electrodes into his brain to mimic the
function of dopamine, the chemical messenger that controls movement
throughout the body. Parkinson's disrupts the brain's production of
A Man at Peace
Three months after the surgery, Rice's condition is starting to improve.
"I don't have to depend upon people to get me things or help me with
things now," he told Cuomo. "I can do it myself."
Though his speech is still rushed and he's still unsteady on his feet,
he's proud that he can now walk down a slope and not fall down like he
used to.
His son's Little League games, once a source of embarrassment, are now a
joy. And he's even building a treehouse for his children.
But the question remains: what happened to the music? Neurologist Alice
Flaherty, who has treated Rice, says Rice's drive to create was
"probably more from the medicines than from the disease, although
there's an interaction."
But as Rice scales back on his drugs since the operation, the gift is as
present as ever. "It's an absolute part of my life," he told Cuomo.
"It's part of my fabric and it's the way I express myself."
Rice adopts a spiritual explanation to how he got this gift -- that God
gave him the music to deal with the difficulties of his life. "I have
subscribed to that 100 percent," he said. "One door closes and another
door opens."
After all he's been through, Rice is now a man at peace. "I think my
difficulty in life has been when I've been trying too hard. And I'm not
going to try so hard now," he said. "I'm going to just try to relax and
let God take over."
grew up in Northern Virginia and graduated from Lynchburg College in
Virginia. He went on to receive a Law degree from American University in
Washington, D.C. Greg’s 30-year professional career focused on Labor
Relations and Human Resource Management with The Continental Group,
PepsiCo, and Bank of Boston. Greg retired in 2002 partly due to his
Parkinson’s disease, but also to devote more time to his three children
and pursue his passion for community service.
Today Greg’s priority is raising his three children - Christian, Grant,
and Dana. In addition, Greg serves as coach for his sons’ baseball
teams, performs a variety of community service, is active in his
undergraduate college and continues to create music. He believes his
musical talent is “God given”, but his inspiration comes from his
family. He is grateful for all of the people who have come into his life
to support him and his mission. He feels truly blessed.
He currently resides in Dover, MA, and
continues to pursue his music.
Copyright © ABC News
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Indigenous people wouldn't let
'Day of the Dead' die
Indigo Miller
MEXICO -- More than 500 years ago, when the
Spanish Conquistadors landed in what is now Mexico, they encountered
natives practicing a ritual that seemed to mock death. It was a ritual
the indigenous people had been practicing at least 3,000 years. A ritual
the Spaniards would try unsuccessfully to eradicate. A ritual known
today as Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead.
The Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos in Spanish) is a holiday
in Mexico and by people of Mexican heritage (and others) living in the
United States and Canada. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family
and friends to pray for and remember friends and relatives who have
died. The celebration occurs on the 1st and 2nd of November, in
connection with the Catholic holy days of All Saints' Day and All Souls'
Day which take place on those days. Traditions include building private
altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the
favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with
these as gifts. Observance of the holiday in Mexican-American
communities in the United States has become more important and
widespread as the community grows numerically and economically.
Mexican-style Day of the Dead festivities have spread around the world,
including to Europe and New Zealand.
Scholars trace the origins of the modern holiday to indigenous
observances dating back thousands of years, and to an Aztec festival
dedicated to a goddess called Mictecacihuatl (known in English as "The
Lady of the Dead"). In Aztec mythology, Mictecacihuatl is the Queen of
Mictlan, the underworld, ruling over the afterlife with Mictlantecuhtli,
another deity who is designated as her husband. Her role is to keep
watch over the bones of the dead. She presided over the ancient
festivals of the dead, which evolved from Aztec traditions into the
modern Day of the Dead after synthesis with Spanish cultural traditions.
She is said now to preside over the contemporary festival as well.
Mictecacihuatl is known as the Lady of the Dead, since it is believed
that she was born, then sacrificed as an infant. Her cult is sometimes
held to persist in the common Mexican worship of Santa Muerte.
The Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico can be traced back to the
indigenous peoples such as the Olmec, Zapotec, Mixtec, Mexican, Aztec,
Maya, P'urhépecha, and Totonac. Rituals celebrating the deaths of
ancestors have been observed by these civilizations perhaps for as long
as 2500–3000 years. In the pre-Hispanic era, it was common to keep
skulls as trophies and display them during the rituals to symbolize
death and rebirth.
The festival that became the modern Day of the Dead fell in the ninth
month of the Aztec calendar, about the beginning of August, and was
celebrated for an entire month. The festivities were dedicated to the
goddess Mictecacihuatl, corresponding to the modern Catrina.
In most regions of Mexico, November 1st honors deceased children and
infants where as deceased adults are honored on November 2nd. This is
indicated by generally referring to November 1st mainly as "Día de los
Inocentes" (Day of the Innocents) but also as "Día de los Angelitos"
(Day of the Little Angels) and November 2nd as "Día de los Muertos" or "Día
de los Difuntos" (Day of the Dead).
Today, people don wooden skull masks called calacas and dance in honor
of their deceased relatives. The wooden skulls are also placed on altars
that are dedicated to the dead. Sugar skulls, made with the names of the
dead person on the forehead, are eaten by a relative or friend,
according to Mary J. Adrade, who has written three books on the ritual.
The Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations kept skulls as trophies
and displayed them during the ritual. The skulls were used to symbolize
death and rebirth. The skulls were used to honor the dead, whom the
Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations believed came back to visit
during the month long ritual.
Unlike the Spaniards, who viewed death as the end of life, the natives
viewed it as the continuation of life. Instead of fearing death, they
embraced it. To them, life was a dream and only in death did they become
truly awake. In their attempts to convert them to Catholicism, the
Spaniards tried to kill the ritual. But like the old Aztec spirits, the
ritual refused to die.
To make the ritual more Christian, the Spaniards moved it so it
coincided with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day (Nov. 1 and 2), which
is when it is celebrated today. Previously it fell on the ninth month of
the Aztec Solar Calendar, approximately the beginning of August, and was
celebrated for the entire month.
Uganda church anoints US bishop
Kampala, Republic of Uganda --
Uganda's Anglican Church has appointed a bishop to serve
in the US, against the wishes of the Episcopal Church, the Anglican
Church's US arm. It is the latest in a series of interventions by
African Churches following the US decision to appoint an openly gay
bishop in 2003. Correspondents say the move is expected to bring closer
the fragmentation of the worldwide Anglican communion.
It ignores pleas from Anglican leaders to preserve unity. But the
thriving Ugandan Church says it is defending orthodox Christianity.
Open air service

The BBC's Christopher Landau says the consecration of a new local bishop
in south-western Uganda would normally pass without comment.
But the church is also appointing a white American priest, John
Guernsey, to lead a new branch of the Ugandan Church in the US, serving
parishes in the state of Virginia that no longer feel able to tolerate
the American Church's liberal stance on homosexuality.
The ceremony took place in the open air because the local cathedral was
not large enough to accommodate the thousands due to attend. It follows
the consecration of two US bishops in Kenya on Thursday.
Bill Murdoch of Massachusetts and Bill Atwood of Texas will be
answerable to the Kenyan Church.
Much of the Anglican Church in Africa is conservative and deeply opposed
to the ordination of gay priests. In February, Anglican bishops meeting
in Tanzania issued an ultimatum to the American church, demanding an end
to the appointment of gay clergy and the blessing of same-sex couples.

Entertainment and
From regular columnist
Kitty Whittier
I know what you are waiting to hear, pets.
Of course I won't tell you who I was that night; that would spoil all of
my fun! But gather round and I shall tell you the good dish on the Dark
Asgard Masked Fête.
Sources over
the course of the evening accounted for several members of Loki’s usual
entourage: dance therapist Bell Nouveau as a zombie Marilyn Monroe;
Loki’s Irish blonde friend and her bookish beau were teamed up as two
different media interpretations of Death, though frankly her beau was
limping along as if he took his role too seriously.
Some of the usual entourage were hard to
identify in costume, so that will teach you naughty children to hide
from Aunt Kitty. No notoriety for you! Other
costumes by lesser known party-goers were a Sir Lloyd-Webberish Phantom of the Opera, a
Tim Burtonesque skeleton; a red and gold angel, a snow fairy, a rather
modest Playboy Bunny, some comic book characters, and an overabundance
of vampires and zombies. We did see one old-fashioned "old school" US
Marshal, though we suspect he was actually on duty. Apparently the
Coroner was seen dressed as a vampire bite victim, with an attention to
detail that only someone in her line of work could provide... and she
seemed to be there with the Marshal.
There was another cadre of young men who
seemed almost Clockwork Orange themed but they were in red and black. I
do have a bit of dish on these boys though. Sources say that later in
the evening, they were seen chatting up not only La Newvoh, but Ivy
herself, even getting her to hike up her shirt and let them draw on her
supposedly unremarkable breasts for phone cam pics which I'm told are
now out on the internet somewhere. A special cookie for anyone who can
get us proof.
The musical offerings were nothing that's
liable to infect my IPod anytime soon, but probably suitable for the
intended audience. The first number involved a judicious exploration of
everyone's favorite Anglo-Saxon verb, the likes of which I had not seen
since the Russian Mob sequence in Boondock Saints. The drummer, Azazel,
was difficult to recognize, as he covered his usual distinct grunge look
with a lot of Jules Verne-like contraptions and accessories. I'm told
this look is called "Steam Punk", a sort of conglomeration of Victorian
technology that is making a resurgence.
Ivy League joined Loki in performing one of his
classics, “Je Rêve De Son Touche” (“I Dream of Her Touch”), from his first album.
We wonder if Ivy is trying to replace Marianne Sers in more ways than
one (as if she could), though this could be mitigated by Loki's sudden
engagement, and we mean the ring kind, not the musical kind. Let's hope
this performance is not One Night Only.
Seemed like
a quiet ending to a great party, as the newly engaged made their rounds
of the guests, and then Felicity slipped out early before she turned
into a pumpkin. But for some, it wasn’t over: Loki was
seen slipping off to his apartment in the company of Ivy and the snow
Trick or Treat, darlings!
In other news... Loki seemed to think he
could give my eagle eyes the slip by slipping out to lunch at Tea42, a
lovely and vastly underappreciated venue in Northeast. He was recently
seen there with frequent cohort Miz Neveu, and sans Felicity. Again.
Then his lunch date turns the tables on him, and has her repast the
following week with Ivy League's drummer, who honestly cleans up very
well, as he was sporting a new, much handsomer look. Competition?
Then, just to make sure our Tiny Dancer does
not starve, the kindly King of the eerie airwaves, DJ Nyx, was seen
masticating with her at the Four Seas Restaurant, right after
Thanksgiving. Apparently she did not get stuffed enough over the holiday
Meanwhile, Loki continued to be up to his
usual duplicity, sneaking up a somewhat familiar looking redhead to his
apartment. In fact, scandalously, we believe it may be one of his
fiancée's coworkers! She was seen a few days later downstairs partying
it up with Azazel. Mix and match, indeed.
One of Loki's bevy of babes we have not seen
much of lately is the Arabian looking lady of the night. Could she have
not been able to tell the Prince 1001 Tales of Arabian Nights, and been
secretly beheaded? And without ever telling us her name. Tsk!
Speaking of naming things, doubtless The
Duchess is going to be doing so soon, as we're pretty certain she
skipped Loki's party due to her impersonation of the letter B, and that
our sources have said she checked into the Precious Life Birthing Center
a couple of weeks ago, with a female friend, and sans hubby Eriond.
Apparently Loki, Ma Bell, Nyx and Ivy were
cavorting around Crystal City on a shopping spree en masse. They drew
quite a bit of a crowd, which doubtless made trying anything on, a
dramatic exercise in hide and seek.

Monica Garrett

Dear Monica:
I work in a large office of about 30 women of all ages. When
we are in the break room the question of age comes up all
the time. Please let these insensitive clods (the ones who
ask people how old they are) know how rude and embarrassing
this is, especially for older women.
Am I overreacting?
-- Dixie Senior
Dear Dixie:
I'm going to assume that you find these queries rude and
embarrassing because you fear some sort of workplace age
discrimination if colleagues discover how old you are. In my
mind, that's the most valid reason to keep your age to
yourself. Otherwise, I hope you'll find a way to be proud of
your lifetime seniority. You've earned it.
I agree that polite adults in the workplace shouldn't ask
one another how old they are. This basic rule would also
apply to older people asking a new young associate her age
and then exclaiming, "23? Why, you're just a baby!"
I'm sure you're clever enough to dodge this question, but my
favorite response is taking from the movie "Tootsie." "Age?
Age has no effect on me. I'm a character actress."
Gunfight in Southeast; Man Shot
SOUTHEAST -- Police responded
to a 9-1-1 cell call placed from the 1st block of C Street, Southeast,
by none other than the Post's Editor, Laura Bauer. An unidentified
gentleman placed a call from Bauer's phone to report a shooting and
stabbing that happened in broad daylight just blocks from famous
nightclub Dark Asgard.
Bauer was on the scene as a witness to the shooting, but
the other gentleman had left the scene of the crime by the time police
and medical teams arrived. She described him as a Greek or
Mediterranean-looking male in his late 20's-30's or so, about 5'10",
flowing hair to his shoulders, attractive. The man was apparently a
passerby who stopped to assist when the fight broke out, and then left
the scene suddenly.
According to Bauer's statement, she was walking towards D
Street when she noticed an altercation near some abandoned cars. She
approached but stayed back, and was joined by the other anonymous
observer as they saw a man later identified as Ferran Sevren, arguing
with 5 black gentlemen in very ghetto-styled attire. The group taunts
each other for a few seconds, and then one of the men opens fire with a
pistol on Sevren. Weapons were drawn and the fight erupted into a chaos
of gunfire, which left four gang members dead and one missing who fled
the scene, apparently naked for unexplained reasons. Sevren was brought
to GW Hospital with four gunshot wounds to the chest, unconscious.
Sevren is currently recovering from the altercation. No
suspects nor motive have been named.
