Va.- In an auditorium on America
Online's rolling campus, a glorious expanse of the heavens is projected
on a big screen. Reggie Evans, a former Redskin running back turned
emissary of Christ, has come to spread the Holy Word in the secular
corridors of one of the biggest, richest Internet companies in the
world. He has brought along some football cards and a stack of Bibles.
About 75 Christian workers listen raptly as
Evans advises them to carry
out their work as if Jesus were sitting next to them. But when he
suggests that they knock on a colleague's cubicle and propose, "Here's a
Bible, maybe we can read this together," even the most devout among them
know they will not be following his advice.
"My eyes rolled back when I heard that," said Jack Clark, a technical
project manager and member of a recently formed employee group called
Christians @ AOL, which had invited Evans to speak. "We're not here to
convert people."
Pushed primarily by evangelical Christians,
faith is finding a growing presence in corporations that for years have
been resistant to religious expression, including such giants as AOL
Inc., Intel Corp., American Express Co., American Airlines Inc. and Ford
Motor Co.
But it is an uneasy, risk-prone experiment. An evangelical movement
emboldened by its strength in the 2004 presidential election, and
pressing hard to advance its agenda in the battles over abortion and
same-sex marriage, is finding that it must accept limits to secure a
place in the corporate world.
One AOL executive who recently passed through the company's glass lobby
stopped short when the electronic bulletin board, which usually lists
snow days or changes in the dental plan, advertised a seminar called
"God at Work."
"It really required a double take," said the executive, speaking on
condition of anonymity because his comments were not authorized by the
company. "I looked at it the way you slow down for a car wreck."
by Laura Bauer

It was a normal night when Joe
Rogers and his partner, Chris Richards, both employees of
Brinks Armored Transportation were parked in front of the
Bank Of America building. They were eating a late night
dinner after the end of business deposit from the bank when
Rogers says he suddenly felt a shudder rip through the
cabinet of their armored vehicle. Before either of them men
could react another shudder and the sound of metal ripped
from metal ran through the air.
"I had no idea what it was. I
thought maybe a bomb. It had to be some sort of explosion I
thought to do that kind of damage" Richards said. In the 10
years he has worked for Brinks he's never experienced
anything like this.
Richards and Rogers say then
then got out of the truck fully expecting to see shrapnel
around them, but they did not; What they did see was the doors to
their vehicle laying on the ground behind it and someone
running from the scene down the street at 'Unusual speed'.
DCPD responded as well as Brinks
own investigation staff to find that no weaponry or
explosives had been used in the robbery. The heavy steel
doors had literally ripped from their hinges. Rogers and
Richards were questioned but have since been released and
are not believed to be suspects in the case. No other
suspects have been linked to the case and DCPD is requesting
anyone with information to please contact them as soon as
possible. Crime Stoppers (202) 555-1000
In a public announcement on
Friday, Assistant
Attorney Macy Shapiro said that Bukalski was declared
criminally insane and unable to stand trial for the murder
of Harmony Neal.
"While this will not bring peace
or closure to her family and friends who suffer on now
without [Neal] in their life; it does explain how a human
could perform such a vicious act." Shapiro told reporters
outside of the Courthouse.
Doctors for the Ethical
Treatment of the Mentally Ill located in Maryland
became involved after the press leaked a possible mental
illness being the cause of the murder and instigated the
investigation into the case.
Bukalski has been transported
from a un-named jail house to St. Elizabeth's Hospital for
the Mentally Ill on Saturday.
St. Elizabeth's has recently
been in the news as the new home for the only known survive
of the Little Death Drug scare, Stuart Dixon. An Independent
source at the hospital has commented that Dixon and Bukalski
have already met and are working together in therapeutic
group setting. No reports yet if Bukalski will eventually
stand trial for his crime.
- Things are normally quiet at the small
bookstore/coffee shop nestled between a clothing shop and antique store
in southwest DC.
Until last week when there was a break in
the shop by an unknown man who assaulted one patron, Teacher's Assistant
Caleb Brown and kidnapped another, Ms. Siobhan O`Brannon an employee at
the Embassy of the Republic of Ireland. Ms. O`Brannon was later returned
to the store.
The shops owner, professor Eriond Tekenduis,
said that outside of property damage, several rare books he was working
on translating and restoring were also stolen.
There have been no leads in the case and Ms.
O'Brannon nor Mr. Brown were aware of who their attacker was or what he
DCPD is requesting anyone with information
to please contact them as soon as possible at Crime Stoppers (202)
The case of the mysterious death of DCPD
officer Anthony "Tony" Laike has been officially closed Wednesday.
After extensive research into his case by
criminal profiler and doctor of psychology, Moira Reynolds, professor at
George Washington University it has been found that Laike's cause of
death was indeed self inflicted, and that he likely suffered from more
than one psychological condition including Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder and depression.
This report did not surprised DCPD's Medical
Examiner or the force in general. Reports claiming Laike had been deeply
troubled since the death of his partner were well known.
A Fund has been set up by the DCPD to
further help officers to cope with the intense stresses of the jobs they
perform. The Washington Star News would like to send our sympathy to the
family of Officer Laike.

NEW YORK - Escalating the war on spam,
a California company wants to let
thousands of users collaborate to disable the Web sites spammers use to
sell their wares.
A leading anti-spam advocate, however, criticized Blue Security Inc.'s
Blue Frog initiative as being no more than a denial-of-service attack,
the technique hackers use to effectively shut down a Web site by
overwhelming it with fake traffic.
"It's the worst kind of vigilante approach," said John Levine, a board
member with the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail.
"Deliberate attacks against people's Web sites are illegal."
Levine recalled a screen saver program that the Web portal Lycos Europe
distributed briefly last year. The program was designed to overwhelm
sites identified by Lycos as selling products pitched in spam.
Eran Reshef, Blue Security's founder and chief executive, denied any
wrongdoing, saying Blue Frog was merely empowering users to collectively
make complaints they otherwise would have sent individually.
Here's how the technique works:
When users add e-mail addresses to a "do-not-spam" list, Blue Security
creates additional addresses, known as honeypots, designed to do nothing
but attract spam.
If a honeypot receives spam, Blue Security tries to warn the spammer.
Then it triggers the Blue Frog software on a user's computer to send a
complaint automatically.
Thousands complaining at once will knock out a Web site and thus
encourage spammers to stop sending e-mail to the "do-not-spam" list.
Reshef acknowledges that the technique only works if enough users - say,
100,000 - join. The program is initially free, but Reshef said Blue
Security might eventually charge new users.
As Bill Bundock's Alzheimer's progressed he became more and more locked
into his own world.
He withdrew into himself and stopped communicating with his wife, Jean.
Jean said Bill lost his motivation, and his desire and ability to hold
conversations, but all this changed when the couple started attending a
group, aimed especially for people with dementia.
Jean said Singing for the Brain had unlocked Bill's communication block.
"The first time we went to Singing for the Brain he did not join in. On
the second session he was starting to join in and by the third he was
thoroughly taking part.
"It was wonderful for us. The singing had started to change something.
It really did make a tremendous difference. He started to come out of
Clive Evers, of the Alzheimer's Society said Singing for the Brain was
proving so popular and beneficial that he hoped more groups would soon
be established.
Doctors say what Chreanne Montgomery-Smith, the programs leader, is
tapping into is very important. It is not the stream of consciousness,
but a level of consciousness, a level of awareness people have with the
real world.
"The music allows them to engage. Her project is very important and
shows what can be done."
Clive Ballard, director of research at the Alzheimer's Society and
Professor of Age Related Diseases at King's College, London, said
singing as an activity did seem to help people with dementia.
"People seem to enjoy doing something jointly with other people and
there is a lot of evidence that being socially engaged is good for
people with dementia."
He said the part of the brain that worked with speech was different to
the part that processed music, allowing those who had lost their speech
to still enjoy their music.
Mr Ballard said rhythm had also been shown to be beneficial,
particularly for those with diseases like Parkinson's where movement was
a problem. He said listening to rhythms, even just a metronome, could
Which causes more greenhouse gas
emissions, rearing cattle or
driving cars?
According to a new report published by the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization, the livestock sector
generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2
equivalent – 18 percent – than transport. It is also a major
source of land and water degradation.
Says Henning Steinfeld, Chief of FAO’s Livestock Information
and Policy Branch and senior author of the report:
“Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to
today’s most serious environmental problems. Urgent action
is required to remedy the situation.”
With increased prosperity, people are consuming more meat
and dairy products every year. Global meat production is
projected to more than double from 229 million tons in
1999/2001 to 465 million tons in 2050, while milk output is
set to climb from 580 to 1043 million tons.
The report, which was produced with the support of the
multi-institutional Livestock, Environment and Development
(LEAD) Initiative, proposes explicitly to consider these
environmental costs and suggests a number of ways of
remedying the situation, including:
Land degradation – controlling access and removing obstacles
to mobility on common pastures. Use of soil conservation
methods and silvopastoralism, together with controlled
livestock exclusion from sensitive areas; payment schemes
for environmental services in livestock-based land use to
help reduce and reverse land degradation.
Atmosphere and climate – increasing the efficiency of
livestock production and feed crop agriculture. Improving
animals’ diets to reduce enteric fermentation and consequent
methane emissions, and setting up biogas plant initiatives
to recycle manure.
Water – improving the efficiency of irrigation systems.
Introducing full-cost pricing for water together with taxes
to discourage large-scale livestock concentration close to
These and related questions are the focus of discussions
between FAO and its partners meeting to chart the way
forward for livestock production at global consultations in
Bangkok this week. These discussions also include the
substantial public health risks related to the rapid
livestock sector growth as, increasingly, animal diseases
also affect humans; rapid livestock sector growth can also
lead to the exclusion of smallholders from growing markets.
A new species of marine worm that lives off
whale bones on the sea floor has
been described by scientists.
The creature was found on a minke carcass in relatively shallow water
close to Tjarno Marine Laboratory on the Swedish coast.
Such "zombie worms", as they are often called, are known from the deep
waters of the Pacific but their presence in the North Sea is a major
A UK-Swedish team reports the find in Proceedings of the Royal Society
Adrian Glover and Thomas Dahlgren tell the journal the new species has
been named Osedax mucofloris, which literally means "bone-eating
"They look like flowers poking out of the whale bone. The analogy goes a
bit further because they have a root system that goes into the bone," Dr
Glover, a researcher at London's Natural History Museum, told the BBC
News website.
"The part of the animal that is exposed to the seawater is covered in a
ball of mucus, so they are quite snotty. That is probably a defence
Scientists have recently begun
to recognise the importance of "whale fall" to ocean-floor
When the great marine mammals die and drift down to the sea
bed to decay and disintegrate, they provide a food resource
for a host of different organisms. Finding these locations
to study is not easy, though.
In October 2003, Glover and Dahlgren sank the remains of a
dead, stranded minke whale in 120m of water and monitored
what happened to the carcass over a period of months using
remotely operated vehicles.
In August 2004, the team was able to recover a bone from the
To their astonishment, it hosted a type of marine worm
previously only thought to exist at great ocean depths -
down to almost 3km in the Pacific on the bones of gray
Glover and Dahlgren say there are remarkable similarities
between the worm species, despite being separated by two
ocean basins and more than 2,500m in the water column.
Entertainment Weekly -
After a surprise return to the stage at his club at Dark
Asgard in Washington D.C. it appears that Loki has jumped
right back into the swing of things.
With rumors of a performance
Christmas Eve at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas already being
confirmed it seems t hat Loki just doesn't slow down. Last
week rumor mongers began to post on Loki's fan forums that
soon their trickster Master would be taking a new Stage.
Loki's management has confirmed
that Loki will be going to a new level of stage work. He
will be playing the stage version of Alex De Large from
Stanley Kubrick's 1971 Cult Classic, A Clockwork Orange.
The story is set in future
Britain, where charismatic delinquent Alex De Large is
jailed and later volunteers for an experimental aversion
therapy developed by the government in an effort to solve
society's crime problem but not all goes to plan. the Film
was critically acclaimed Nominated for 4 Oscars in 1972.
Even after 34 years, this film
still speaks volumes about our current culture, which many
ideals are ringing true today. Let's hope the movie
translates to the theater as well as the book did to the
Entertainment Weekly - The Entertainment
business is a fickle place
especially when it comes to relationships. They normally stick to their
own breed - after all look at Bradgelina, TomKat, Benifer and Marlo - so
it came as quite a shock to the industry when rumors surfaced that Amelia
Wentworth's (better known to her fans as "The Duchess") upcoming nuptials,
to be held in London in December, were to a D.C. local Professor, who is
incidentally also a Londoner.
We caught up with Amelia at Dark Asgard and
she confirmed the rumor.
"What can I say? We fell in love" she said
with a smile and showed off the 1 carat pink diamond she's now sporting.
Saying she was glad her soon to be husband understood the concept of
simple. "Its hard to play a harpsichord with a huge rock weighing down
your hand."
The Duchess says that the wedding will be a
small family affair, but she had no doubt "The Press will find a way
More details as they surface.