elegant, in the classic idiom more recently espoused by such as Jacqueline
Kennedy Onassis, Roxane is one for dignified understatement, content
simply to be, when she ventures out, which seems to be rarely. Emotionally
staid, she is the sort who can tell you to go to hell so subtly that you
find yourself thanking her as you willingly queue the line for your ticket
South. She is the consummate politician's companion... or is she?
Believed to be of royal Persian
(Iranian) extraction, the enigmatic first wife of Alexander Marriott was
thought to have vanished from his side during the Kennedy Administration,
the details of their seemingly amicable split unclear to all but the inner
circle of the time.
As with all women who would traffic
with powerful men, she is resilient, mysterious, taciturn, and clear on
her station in the arrangement... though others may not be, at first, and
mistake her for powerless arm candy, a faux pas that could be disastrous.
Roxane resurfaced briefly in recent
years, in conjuction with some personal dealings involving her former
husband, and possibly something to do with events in their former stomping
grounds in the Mediterranean. But she seems again to have vanished,
interestingly around the same time as a seemingly good acquaintance of
hers... one Maratel DeSandeleu. Coincidence? Do you dare look closely
enough into the matter to find out for sure... |

