Barbara Morgan
Usually signs herself "B. Morgan Taylor", never Barbara, for reason she will not discuss. Morgan stands out, in a town teeming with rich, powerful and famous movers & shakers, mostly by how she does not stand out. She is a somewhat youthful, but intently focused & capable white-collar woman: standing about 5'7", shoulder-length brown (sometimes auburn) hair, usually either pulled back, in a pageboy, or permed and strategically tousled; keen hazel eyes, non-descript & unremarkable American features (App 2), little makeup, no jewelry. She is fit but not to excess; sometimes heavily tanned; often clad in a discreet power suit & classic low heels, or on personal time something equally practical. She could be any one of hundreds of Washington women who never seem to stop working and relax, truth be told... no sooner seen, then she is gone again into the crowd without a trace.